Witness Accounts

Black Triangles Over Germany

Two witnesses come forward with dramatic UFO sightings of classic black triangles. Hear their stories now in their own words.

Ryan Sprague
Point of Contact
Published in
8 min readMay 24, 2023


Credit: iStock

In 2021, former U.S. Navy Aviation Maintenance Administrator, Angelo Accetta, contacted the author with detailed descriptions of five separate UFO sightings that occurred over Lemoore Naval Air Station, in California, between 2011 and 2012. Since then, several compelling witness reports were submitted to the author via the Somewhere in the Skies podcast, and subsequently published in the 2023 book, Stories from Somewhere in the Skies. Two of those incidents took place in Germany, not too far east from one of the most famous triangular UFO waves in history.

In 1990, Belgium would experience a troubling amount of reports of triangular-shaped objects over their skies. The Belgian Air Force attempted to intercept one of these triangles. Astonishingly, the triangle was able to outmaneuver the fighter jets, reaching speeds estimated around 1,100 mph, and then disappearing out of sight with no signs of propulsion or sonic booms. Then-Chief of Operations of the Air Staff, General Wilfried De Brouwer was essential in the efforts to identify and resolve the issue of these triangles over Belgium. No explanation was ever…

