Twilight of the Skeptics

Crossing the Rubicon, Leaving UFO Debunkers to Twist in the Wind

Let the record show: The congressional UAP hearing on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 is the one that finally mattered.

David Bates
Point of Contact
Published in
5 min readJul 26, 2023


Media feeding frenzy. Are there any photographers from the New York Times there?

The capacity for hyperbole, to say nothing of great expectations raised and dashed, is baked into ufology. And “making history” is overused in virtually every realm of human activity. But it’s no exaggeration to say that the House Oversight hearing today on UAPs was of immense and profound historic significance.

And there was a fascinating contradiction built into the affair, which played out for nearly an hour and a half, streaming online, carried by C-SPAN, and attended by a swarm of press:

On the hand, there were no new faces and — save for perhaps that extraordinary story about the red cube — there was virtually no new information. For the UFO community, very little of this was new. We’d heard it all before from the witnesses themselves, all three of whom have previously spoken to the press about their experiences and appeared on podcasts that most of the country has never heard of.

In that sense, it was the quintessential nothingburger.

But this was the nothingburger…

