Ready for Personal Disclosure?

Getting Personal with Nonhuman Intelligence

The Disclosure genii is out of the bottle and ontological shock is very much a thing. How best to handle it?

Charley Sweet
Point of Contact


©Andrzej Dudzinski

As someone with a lifelong (if only occasional) personal connection with nonhuman intelligence (NHI), and as a cross-cultural psychologist, I find myself motivated by the big steps toward Disclosure that our community has taken in the past few years, and especially in the last few weeks. I want to contribute more to this movement, and I know many of us feel this way. We’re keenly aware of the global significance of the moment, and we’re scrambling to work out how we can help.

On the public-awareness and political fronts, we have great allies in people like Kean and Blumenthal, Coulthart and Zabel, Knapp and Corbel (and quite a few others, of course); and they are making very sure that the genii is not stuffed back into the bottle.

But what can the rest of us do?

Well, now that the genii is running loose, we are moving “On To Logical Shock,” as @Mark Hammons put it in this forum on July 31. And so, in the coming months and years — very abruptly, that is, in historical terms — virtually everyone on this planet is going to be obliged to start coming to terms with her or his own personal relationship with NHI. Because we each have one, whether we know it (or like it) or not. It simply comes with the Terra-story.

We each have a personal relationship with NHI, whether we know it (or like it) or not.

Thus, we will find ourselves working not only on societal Disclosure but also on individual psychological and spiritual disclosure, that is, on opening up to and securely establishing contact with NHI, one by one.

Before I get into the nitty-gritty of doing that, I have to note, of course, that NHI is almost certainly not a monolithic phenomenon. That is, there are quite likely a number of “races” present, and some have suggested there may be dozens. (And isn’t it interesting that virtually all of them seem to have a basically humanoid morphology. Richard Dolan does a deep dive on this and related issues in his Aug. 30 piece “Why Are They Here?”)

I still can’t say for sure which group or groups I’ve interacted with, though in one key experience I was accompanied by a being who closely resembled a small Grey.

Whoever they may be, I can tell you from my interactions with them that NHI is overwhelmingly powerful. Most of us are, I suspect, more than a little intimidated by the prospect of coming face to face (or, let’s say, soul to soul) with a consciousness so evolved. To bring this home on a feeling level, consider for a moment (or even for a minute, if you can stand it) your own relationship with that which we commonly refer to as “God.”

If God is, as commonly conceived, omnipresent and omniscient, then it follows that God is fully present in you, right down to your every last atom (and thought and emotion) — God is you! Yet, how aware are you, moment to moment, and how accepting are you that this conscious presence may actually be real? Or are you a person who entirely rejects the notion of an all-seeing and all-being creator? (If so, I have news for you — “good news,” as the Christians like to say — but that’s a conversation for another day.)

One way or another, I’m pretty sure that most of us are not quite ready yet to fully embrace the full, intimate presence, right within us, here and now, of a superior consciousness. But believe you me, that is what NHI is able to do; and deep inside is where most of us will most profoundly encounter this intelligence.

Now, NHI may or may not be synonymous with God — that is, may or may not have evolved to full cosmic consciousness, or Godhead — but I would say, based on my own experience and that of many others, that they are clearly a good ways further along the path to spiritual Oneness than we are. (It’s going to be very interesting, as we go along, to begin to see how much overlap there is between our traditional spiritual realm — “Heaven” or “Home,” or what have you — and the domain encompassed by NHI.

Certainly, with their apparent ability to come and go freely from what we call physical reality, they seem to be intermediary figures — Messengers, or Watchers, or Helpers. There is the distinct possibility, though, that they were directly involved, and remain involved, in the ongoing creation of not only our physical but also our spiritual evolution and all that happens in the course of it, including such minor matters as the playing out of personal and collective karma, reincarnation, and whether Humanity is actually to be accorded dominion over a planet. Whatever NHI’s role may be, I think it’s pretty clear that we are being asked to grow up into responsible co-creatorhood.

How do these ideas sit with you? One way and another, we may all find opportunities emerging to get answers to some of these profound existential questions. And there may be some among us — those with a more constant and open relationship with NHI than my own — who have already gotten some of these answers.

Meanwhile, most of us, including a whole lot of folks out there who subscribe to one or other of the world’s religions (not least among them the Church of the Military-Industrial Complex), may find ourselves more than a little reluctant to relinquish our ontological primacy. (I’m borrowing that term from the very able thinker Charles Eisenstein, who recently used it here; but he’s far from the only one riffing on the word ontological theze daze.)

So, as more and more of us experience direct contact with NHI, physically, psychologically, and spiritually — a trend that is seemingly inevitable — we are going to need resources on both the personal and group levels to deal with the challenge. To start with, we have each other; and, as @Bryce Zabel so eloquently argued in “Code Red for UFO Disclosure,” this challenge could be what finally impels us to find global common cause. In other words, it may be that Disclosure is absolutely necessary now, to help us counter the existential threat we face as we go on killing each other and our planet. It all hangs together, the questions and the answers, the problems and the solutions.

As more and more of us experience direct contact with NHI, we are going to need resources to deal with the challenge.

But, as we can already begin to feel, the challenge to grow our humanity, individually and globally, is going to take us to our limits and ask us to expand them. One resource that I have been looking to and getting involved with is the worldwide collective trauma awareness and healing movement, headed by people like Thomas Hübl and Gabor Maté, among many others. You might not have conceived our challenge with NHI in terms of personal and shared trauma, but I think you’ll agree that it is not a great stretch to do so.

I’m thinking now of Curt Jaimungal’s Sept. 1 summary of his 2021 and 2022 interviews with Lue Elizondo. Jaimungal’s title itself is revealing: “Lue Elizondo Reveals the Terrifying Truth Behind UFOs.” Curt asked Lue, “If the general public knew or saw what you saw, what would the next week look like? How would the public react?” Lue brought his hand up, rubbed his chin, sighed a bit, then looked straight at the camera and said, “Somber.” He scratched his chin again and added, “I think there would be this big exhale … for about a day, and then this turning inward and trying to reflect on what this means to us and our species and ourselves.”

Personally, I have found that, although I am still far from entirely comfortable with my relationship with NHI, there is a part of me that deeply recognizes and is able to positively respond to these beings. Partly, I think, that’s because I go way back with them — the first contact experience that I remember happened at age 3. (And I will not be too surprised to discover that the relationship goes back a lot further than that.) Since then, in many instances of contact, most of them quite brief, I have always felt helped, not hindered. Even in the most powerful interactions I have had with them, I have felt their presence as compassionate and deeply meaningful (if a bit hard to figure). They clearly want me to learn, and share what I learn.

However, I’m not so much interested in sharing the details of my contacts — we’re not talking book- or movie-grade material here, though there have been a couple doozys — as I am in making the point that there must be on the order of several million of us now who have had experiences with NHI on more or less the same level that I have; and we can surely expect those numbers (whatever they are) to grow by orders of magnitude in the coming months and years.



Charley Sweet
Point of Contact

I'm a cross-cultural psychologist (US-Japan focus), economics editor, and goat farmer in the mountains of N. Georgia, not necessarily in that order.