Eric Weinstein Speaks at a ‘UFO Disclosure’ Symposium in Europe

In the run-up to a government report on UAPs, a former UFO skeptic seems to have made UFO Disclosure his mission.

David Bates
Point of Contact
Published in
8 min readOct 22, 2022


Eric Weinstein speaking to a UFO conference in San Marino this weekend. [Photo used with permission]

Yes, the U.S. Government is expected to release another public report on UFOs by Oct. 31; yes, James Fox’s new UFO documentary Moment of Contact is available to stream; yes, the UAP story was hot last week thanks to the “racetrack” UFOs spotted by commercial airline pilots, first reported by the indefatigable Christopher Sharp in the UK — and let us pause for a moment to acknowledge that a young journalist from England beat the U.S. media on an American UFO flap — and yes, #UFOTwitter is buzzing with the usual heady mix of anticipation, rumor, euphoria, cynicism and rage.

But right now the most interesting public development in ufology is what we might call the Strange Case of Eric Weinstein.

Which is to say: He’s become a ufologist.

It is one thing for a scientist who has not previously displayed the slightest interest in UFOs to suddenly become intensely interested in and even outspoken about the phenomenon.

