No More Excuses: It’s Way Past Time for the Press to Take UAPs Seriously

The lethargy of the New York Times and an absurd column by the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank point to a crisis in journalism.

David Bates
Point of Contact
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2023


The image above, credited to Chloe Coleman/The Washington Post; Nathan Howard/AP; iStock, and appearing over Dana Milbank’s column Friday, illustrates the seriousness with which American legacy print media is taking the biggest story of all time.

Perplexed by the lethargy of the New York Times’ coverage of the UFO disclosure movement now sweeping through the U.S. Congress like a wildfire, a reader asked me yesterday on Twitter:

Whenever I would hear someone say “fake news” the last few years, I’d roll my eyes and dismiss that person as a conspiracy loon. But I gotta be honest. The lack of coverage of this topic is suspicious. You worked in a newsroom, so if you don’t mind I have a question …

Are outlets like the NYT doing the bidding of the Pentagon by following orders to ignore this story? Are individual reporters, afraid of losing access to DOD sources, deciding to ignore it? Or is the stigma just so bad that nobody wants to touch it? Or maybe something else?

I told the fellow that, having spent most of my working life in newsrooms, we were on the same page with eye rolls upon hearing chants of “fake news,” an idiotic phrase coined by a corrupt sociopath whose real fear isn’t “fake” news, but accurate news. The vast…

