Close Encounters of the Hollywood Kind

What if Aliens are Us from the Future?

Syfy’s first original film — Official Denial — was about an abductee the government used as bait to shoot down a UFO. The twist ending? They were us.

Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact
Published in
11 min readMar 11, 2021


Official Denial | Syfy (Sci-Fi Channel) 1993 | Written by Bryce Zabel, Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith

These days there are plenty of people speculating about these visitors in their Tic-Tacs and other strange craft. Some are all in on extraterrestrials, thinking they’re Grays, Reptoids, Mantids, Nordics, AIs, etc. Others think they may be ultraterrestrials from another dimension. Maybe they even come from the center of the Earth. And now, more commonly, some are even saying that maybe, just maybe, they’re us from the future.

This future talk makes me think of my past. Back in 1993, Syfy (Sci-Fi Channel back then) produced my first UFO themed screenplay Official Denial. It was based on a script I first wrote back in 1988 called Progenitor. And that movie was all about the big mystery revealed in the penultimate scene in the film.

It wasn’t where they were from, you see, it was when.

In the world of science fiction, time travel stories have always fascinated writers. Of course, they usually work best when audiences don’t think about the scenario too deeply — just as…



Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact

Writer/producer in features & TV. Creator, five primetime series. Ex: TV Academy CEO; CNN reporter; USC professor. Author of books about the Beatles, JFK, UFOs.