Social Media

Twitter Polls about Presidents and UFOs

What our Twitter sampling says about modern UFOlogy when it comes to the occupants who have worked in the Oval Office may surprise you.

Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact
Published in
8 min readFeb 1, 2022


My Need to Know with Coulthart and Zabel podcast co-host Ross Coulthart and I are deep into prepping our sixth episode, “Take Me to Your Leader,” one that focuses on the much speculated about and not entirely clear relationship between U.S. presidents and what they knew and what they didn’t know about UFO/UAP reality.

Because we each have fairly significant Twitter followings of people (@RossCoulthart @HollywoodUFOs) who, presumably, are interested in the topic themselves, we did a collection of instant polls to see what might be the thinking on some classic stories that seem to hang around the subject. Consider it a snapshot of a moving target. It is hardly definitive, but it still feels useful.

We’ll start with the current occupant of the White House, President Joe Biden. We begin this with a simple question:

Has President Joe Biden received a…



Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact

Writer/producer in features & TV. Creator, five primetime series. Ex: TV Academy CEO; CNN reporter; USC professor. Author of books about the Beatles, JFK, UFOs.