Case File

Our Strange Skies

How a UFO sighting in New York sparked a popular UFO podcast.

Ryan Sprague
Point of Contact
Published in
6 min readJan 31, 2022


Rob Kristoffersen — Our Strange Skies podcast

Rob Kristoffersen hosts one of the most popular UFO-themed podcasts on the market today: Our Strange Skies. But where had his interest in UFOs truly started? Like many, it was with a UFO sighting of his own.

It was June 15th, 2015. At around 10:15 a.m., Rob was at work at a nursing home in the village of Tupper Lake, New York. A fellow co-worker, Dennis, asked him if he wanted to take a smoke break with him. “On breaks, we’d go to the edge of the property, because you can’t technically smoke on the grounds. We were standing there for a couple of minutes. Dennis was smoking and we were just talking. Suddenly, I just had this urge to look up.” As Rob’s eyes shot up in to the clear, blue sky, he saw something odd that caught his attention.

“There was this object floating in the sky. It was moving really slow, at what I would guess to be a low elevation. Maybe a thousand feet or so. It was the shape of an egg and quite large. From my vantage point, it looked to be the size of a small car, like a VW bug.”

