The Secrets We Keep

UAP — National Security

The United States Air Force has been withholding intelligence on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) from government spy agencies and congress for decades.

Nick Madrid
10 min readFeb 21, 2022


Air Force F-22 Raptor, Getty

Try to imagine a branch of the United States military, specifically the Air Force, withholding critical UAP intelligence from not only interagency government departments and congressional oversight but likely the president of the United States.

That’s the gist of a powerful and compelling article from Christopher Mellon last week in The Debrief titled “Why Is The Air Force AOL On the UAP Issue?” He’s the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and a man who’s in the know. Mellon went into a great amount of specific detail in educating Congress on a myriad of areas where they may find critical data to further their efforts.

He followed with an interview with Micah Hanks, and made deliberate Air Force stonewalling sound like a distinct possibility:

"We have Navy fighter pilots reporting UAP from the same training range where Air Force F-22s are operating, which have more powerful and capable radar operating systems, so how could they not be seeing what the Navy pilots are seeing? The answer is…

