The Ancient Egyptian UFO

A Pharaoh is supposed to have dealt with flying saucers 3,500 years ago. Could that be true?

Mark Hammons
Point of Contact


Pharaoh Thutmose III Source: Wikimedia Commons

How long have UFOs been around?

If you sustain an interest in the subject of UFOs long enough, one of the questions that eventually comes to mind is how long has the Phenomenon been going on? You want to know what is the oldest historical UFO report.

So, you start your research. Inevitably, you will find that there are books telling you about a papyrus scroll said to date from the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III (reigned 1479–1425 BC).

In popular tomes put out by reputable publishers, you encounter repeatedly the same image of a hieroglyphic text and a couple of translations. It’s intriguing to think that the presence of UFOs was documented by the most long lasting of historical human cultures. You want to believe that something so widely published (repeatedly) went successfully through quality control.

If there is any lesson to be learned early on in your study of UFOs, it is to check the source of the report. In bygone days that was much harder to do. Access to research libraries and archives usually involved much expense and not infrequently required academic credentials just to get an appointment.



Mark Hammons
Point of Contact

Scryer, apprentice of cognitive dissonance. Medium tells me I am a Top Writer in Science, too. Thank you for that.