Maybe They’re Not ETs After All

Are aliens from outer space lying to the human race, or is the human race deceiving itself about space aliens? Maybe something else is going on.

Mark Hammons
Point of Contact


Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

Many lies have been told about UFOs. You will encounter untruths as a matter of course anytime you have an interest in a controversial subject, but in the study of the Phenomenon you have to be especially alert. There are layers and varieties of dissembling galore.

Sometimes, particularly with official government and military sources, deceptions take the form of manipulative disinformation whose purpose is to keep secrets, control the narrative, and evade accountable responsibility. Other times, falsehoods are perpetrated by those seeking personal attention and, not infrequently, money.

There are bold faced lies, half truths, speculations posed as fact, cleverly concocted fantasy scenarios intended to thrill or threaten, and many others. You have to keep your guard up all the time, which is a tiresome part of the challenge in following the UFO subject. Healthy skepticism is a component of any uncertain area of research, but who to believe about the Phenomenon is a particularly challenging question. Credibility is a currency habitually faked for the gullible.



Mark Hammons
Point of Contact

Scryer, apprentice of cognitive dissonance. Medium tells me I am a Top Writer in Science, too. Thank you for that.