The Other UAP Shoe Yet To Drop

Long time disinformation by covert elements within the United States Government is a smear on the lens of reality we must now all look through. Can we clear that up?

Mark Hammons
Point of Contact


Photo by Nigel Hoare on Unsplash

As if one thing isn’t enough, we have another to deal with.

Observing the responses to the recent disclosures coming out of Washington, D.C., about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) something stands out. A lot of people seem automatically unwilling to look at the idea there is recovered non-human technology being reverse engineered because they can’t wrap their heads around a 75 year old institutionally executed cover up to keep it secret.

Armchair skeptics assert immediately that the U.S. Government couldn’t keep a such a significant thing hidden for that long. They don’t know this for a fact. It is merely an instant intellectual deflection to avoid having to face the likelihood the cover up has been active since July 8, 1947.

Where’s the evidence, these deniers ask? You can show them decades of accumulated information painstakingly uncovered, collected, and collated, but they don’t want spend the time it takes to parse it. Plus, that’s all “old news” and unreliable because, well, they prefer it to be.



Mark Hammons
Point of Contact

Scryer, apprentice of cognitive dissonance. Medium tells me I am a Top Writer in Science, too. Thank you for that.