Myths and Legends

The Sky God Who Fell to Earth

Did an immortal being from another world found a dynasty of hybrid human kings in ancient Tibet? Delving into ancient history will almost always lead you into a bog of unanswerable questions.

Mark Hammons
Point of Contact
Published in
11 min readOct 27, 2021


Photo by David Brooke Martin on Unsplash

ANYTHING RECORDED TO HAVE HAPPENED in the distant past that doesn’t come calling with the modern preconception of evidence gets dismissed as myth or legend. Myths are deemed to be wholly imaginary concoctions, complete inventions of human fantasy. Unbelievable on the face of things. Legends are reputed events whose narrative seems more in the realm of possibility, but cannot be proved. Maybe there’s a kernel of truth. Both are two sides of the same coin, one you can’t spend with certainty.

Delving into ancient history will almost always lead you into a bog of unanswerable questions. No matter how much you want to examine something more deeply, there exists only what has survived to tell the tale. The best you can do is take the information you have and see if anything correlates with other, similar or different, things under consideration. Maybe there is a bit in one thing that can shed light on the other, but you are never going to leave the garden of speculation carrying facts. You can only…



Mark Hammons
Point of Contact

Scryer, apprentice of cognitive dissonance. Medium tells me I am a Top Writer in Science, too. Thank you for that.