Comic Books

UFOs Invade the Comic Book World

“Blue Book” and “Estimate of the Situation” take UFOs seriously in two new comic books

Ryan Sprague
Point of Contact
Published in
6 min readMar 9, 2023


In 2017, The New York Times disclosed the existence of a once-secret Pentagon unit called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or, AATIP. This unit was tasked with compiling and investigating UFO reports made within or around sensitive military installations or training areas. To many, this came as a complete shock, as the last publicly known official UFO investigation had been under the auspices of the United States Air Force through a study known as Project Blue Book.

Project Blue Book was terminated in 1969. The Air Force supplied the following summary of its investigations. After the termination, the United States Government claimed that they were no longer investigating UFOs, claiming they could find no evidence of extraterrestrial craft and UFOs were not a national security threat. So when news broke in 2017 that this clearly was not the case, it sowed even more seeds of mistrust with the American public.

Now, in 2023, we have entered an age where UFOs are more mainstream than ever before. As a new office is established within the U.S Government once more, The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and “Unidentified…

