The Disclosure Narrative

What if There’s Nothing to Disclose About UFOs?

Let’s move the discussion of UFO/UAP reality outside of the realm of conspiracy theories.

Douglas Giles, PhD
Inserting Philosophy
7 min readJun 1, 2021


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The truth is out there, and it lies somewhere between the extremes of skepticism and believe-anythingism. That’s especially the case for the phenomena we call UFOs, or as the military now calls them, UAPs. A clear view of the UFO phenomena is obscured by people’s assumptions and vested interests.

I don’t pretend to know what UFOs are, but as a philosopher, I aim to clear away the underbrush and obstacles of the assumptions and agendas that hamper reasonable discussion of the UFO phenomena.

Video version. Text below.

The Phenomena are Real and the Assumptions are False

Let’s first knock down two assumptions. On one extreme is the assumption that there’s…



Douglas Giles, PhD
Inserting Philosophy

Philosopher by trade & temperament, professor for 21 years, bringing philosophy out of its ivory tower and into everyday life.