Black Triangles

USAF Serviceman Recounts Black Triangle Sighting Over Military Base

Triangular UFOs continue to defy explanation but have profoundly entered the conversation.

Ryan Sprague
Point of Contact
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2022


Aaron Culley currently serves in the United States Air Force as an Aerospace Ground Equipment supervisor. He joined the USAF in 2008 and has since traveled all over Europe to include Cyprus, Turkey, UK & Portugal. After reading a previous article by the author titled, Navy Serviceman Reports Five Separate Triangle UFO Incidents over Naval Air Station, he felt compelled to come forward with a sighting he had of a mysterious black triangle. And although he wasn’t enlisted at the time, the event did take place over a highly sensitive military base.

It was April of 1999 in Lompoc, California. At approximately 11am, Culley, fourteen at the time, was outside with friends, skateboarding in front of the duplex he was living in. Notably, this duplex was a stone’s throw away from an ICBM launch site, Vandenberg Air Force base (now a Space Force Base). As he and his friends continued skateboarding, Culley recalled the following:

“I remember one of my friends pointing out something in the sky that resembled a black triangle with red…

