Estimate of the Situation

ET Tech Could Make Life Better

If humans can access and learn from ET craft, the result may be products and processes that make our lives better, easier, and longer.

Brian Hofmeister
Point of Contact


Image | KhoaMartin

For the vast majority of people, the only evidence that will make them believe UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) or UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are real would be to see an extraterrestrial for themselves.

The problem with this reality is that we have grown up with science fiction and educated to do our best to explain away things that do not fit into accepted science as we were taught. We have essentially been trained since kindergarten to expect the world to be a certain way — for things that exist in physical reality to obey all of what we have determined to be “laws of physics.”

In the public education system there is no time to waste indulging children’s out of the box thinking, even when they may be on to a brilliant new way to think about something. Those who go on to attend college may find the rare, wonderful professor who will encourage and indulge in considering ideas considered taboo in science.

Change in the Wind

Those of us who have been paying attention have noticed a change in the wind, as all of this relates to the UFO/UAP/ET controversy.

  • First it was the growing list of planets discovered orbiting distant stars, some even existing in the Goldilocks Zone (an optimum distance from a given type of star for liquid water and favorable conditions for life as we know it), much to the astonishment of many in the scientific community.
  • Next was the discovery of element 115, which was claimed by Bob Lazar to be the reactor fuel that powered the “sport model” ET craft he claims to have examined at Site S4 near Groom Lake’s famous base in Area 51. Again this was to the shock of many scientists, especially those who had based a great deal of criticism on Lazar’s claims about 115.
  • Now we have the very interesting situation with the Navy and three videos taken on board F-18 fighter jets, of objects doing things that we have been told cannot be done without violating our beloved “laws” of physics! In the last few weeks, without further prodding by the public or news agencies, the Navy has come out and admitted that the videos were authentic, not altered in any way, and approved for release…despite the fact they have already been widely disseminated around the world.

So the question that many may be asking right now is, why should I give a rip whether these UFO/UAP are buzzing around? And if they are real and they are ET in origin, again, why should I care? Right?

Yes, You Should Care

From a philosophical point of view we should all care, because it proves we are not alone in the Universe, and that they can travel vast distances in much less time than we had imagined.

Setting that aside for a moment, let’s consider where the mass media is generally steering the conversation. Despite seventy plus years (yes! over 70 years of recorded history of mysterious visitors from the sky) of many similar observances of similar objects, the first question influencers in politics and the media ask is whether it could be Russian or Chinese? Seriously?

Basic research establishes that most of their advances are poor copies of what we have done, with the exception of the USSR in its early days of space exploration. Today there is no solid evidence that either country is capable of producing anything remotely capable of the acceleration and maneuverability of the “Tic-Tac” and saucer shape UFOs in the videos. That would include piloted and drone vehicles.

The USA is on the cutting edge of aviation, as demonstrated with the quickly aging F-22 and F-35 fighters. There is also no question that we have several projects that are the next generation of both piloted and drone craft in development, if not already flying above some remote area. There has been no precedent set where a new, still secret airplane has been flown near active Navy or Air Force operations without the affected air crews being notified. It is very unlikely that the three videos capture such a situation, especially considering how close the craft flew to some of the Navy fighters.

Essentially these seemingly rational possibilities distract both the media and public from pursuing the subject further. They paint the Navy as innocent and naive, when the reality may be rather different.

Read either of the two volumes of UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan and you learn that the Navy as an entity has been aware of such overflights by UFOs for many decades. You read that right. Chances are that if you are reading this, the Navy and Air Force have known that UFOs are real, often physical objects, and they can effect aircraft, for as long as you have been alive, if not much longer.

Who Wants ET Tech, Raise Your Hands!

The point is that everyone should be interested in finding out the truth about UFOs because the technology involved in these objects can, and some say has, changed the world. Perhaps these objects do not employ technology that is far beyond our understanding, but instead something that is just beyond where our state of the art is today. Maybe there is some key example of a new component being utilized for something on an ET craft that would help an engineer overcome an obstacle they previously had on a project of their own. If that person just happens to see this, it might reduce their time moving from concept to production by decades.

Asking why you should care about finding out what UFOs are and learning about the technology and ETs behind them, is like asking why people should care that microwave ovens, electric cars, or even central air-conditioning exist.

There is a very good possibility that if humans can access and learn from ET craft, materials and individuals, the result may be products and processes that make our lives better, easier, and longer. That’s not to downplay any negative effects of learning that ETs exist. There will be many new questions regarding religion, physics, and all areas of science, plus many more about the culture and general nature of these extraterrestrial civilizations.

Not least of which will be: why are they here? how did they get here? who are they? and of course, what are they’re plans while they are here and how long do they plan to stay?

Or It Could Be Very, Very Strange

However that’s only looking at part of the many possible explanations. We might find that these beings are just as native to Earth as we are, but live deep in the ocean far away from land, or deep underground, below lakes, oceans, and dry land masses.

We arrogantly let ourselves believe that nothing unusual could happen without everyone finding out, but this is far from true. Many government projects have been revealed after decades of secrecy; animals have been found that were thought to have either never existed or only existed millions of years ago, yet they are alive right now.

In the coming years, as space tourism grows alongside a renewed exploration of space, this is the proper time to begin thinking about how we might react to real news that SOME UFOs are ET craft and that these ET have been interacting with a very small group of humans on Earth for decades.

If you think it won’t affect your every day life, it would be wise to reconsider before the shock of this, for some, new reality hits. Those who say there is no evidence of ET visitation are simply ignoring or dismissing solid evidence that has been compiled by many great researchers such as Stanton Friedman, Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, and the amazing inside information from solid sources like Cliff Stone, Robert Salas, Dr. Roger Leer, Bob Lazar, and many others.

So, I think the advances in travel, communication, medicine, astronomy, and biology that would or could come into the public realm through the declassification of photos, video and more documents from inside the military is something we should all be concerned about, interested in, and pushing our elected officials to provide more of, because of the potential positive implications for every human.

We should be interested because some folks may tend towards worshiping beings with greater knowledge and technology, and we must not let ET be deified. Yet we must be willing to accept what is good and be prepared to ward off that which is evil and intends us harm, if any. Besides, who wouldn’t have fun with a pen pal from some strange, far off planet? What might the plants and animals look like there? Would families be similar to ours or very different?

The answers to these questions will be far more fascinating than the things we spend hours doing on the Internet these days.



Brian Hofmeister
Point of Contact

Diverse experience in restaurants, warehousing, manufacturing combined with many interests such as photography, science, powersports, R/C, movies, guitar, UFO.