[GnoDesk] Week 4 of Nov 2023

Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2023

Welcome to the Week 4 of the November 2023 Edition of GnoDesk.

Road to Mainnet

Visit the Official Milestone for details.

Gno Core

  • The realm for wugnot, a wrapper for ugnot (the smallest unit of GNOT) that conforms to the GRC20 interface, is under review. This wrapper will allow dApps with realms that are built to only support GRC20 tokens to seamlessly interact with GNOT tokens without extra work.
  • Blog posts in the Gnoland Blog Portal will be chronologically ordered to improve the user experience.
  • Tamagotchi, a gamified timestamp testing realm, is under review. The Tamagotchi utilizes timestamps to display its status, such as age, hunger, and happiness.

Ecosystem Projects


  • Varmeta has formally applied for the Gno.land Grants Program. Varmeta proposed to build the Gno Unity SDK, a metaverse template, Valor Fantasy: a rogue-like RPG game, and NFT & Community tools for Gno.land.


  • Dragos is building a new developer tutorial: “Build a Gno app in under one hour”.
  • Dragos will submit an additional grant application for the development of an on-chain project management tool in Gno.


  • Gnoswap released a new blog post: All About Gnoswap’s Liquidity Mining. The blog post features how Gnoswap adopts Warm-up Periods to reward long-term liquidity commitment while offering flexibility to active liquidity providers.


  • Adena announced its plans for an interface renewal to emphasize security and user education on key management.

Upcoming Events


  • Nov 29: Gno.land Developer Call — Gno Core (Calendar)
  • Dec 06: Gno.land Developer Call — Contributors (Calendar)

Did we miss anything? Reach out to us via email (info@onbloc.xyz) or tag us (@onblocxyz) in your tweet to be included in the next episode of GnoDesk.

GnoDesk is a community-driven initiative. For official content from Gno.land, please visit the Gnoland Blog Portal, where you can find The More You Gno: Gno.land Monthly Updates.


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