Time To Productivity: How To Measure It?

Michael Tolulope Emmanuel
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2022

Tracking a new hire’s time to productivity can be complex. But it doesn’t have to be. In measuring time to productivity, consider TTP as a summation of several phases of an employee’s journey within your organization.

Time to productivity is achieved the day they contribute their first task to your company. This could be a line of code that makes an app ready for downloads, a social media caption, or the first analysis they perform in a lab.

The simple approach, then, is counting how long it takes an employee to make an initial productive contribution to the organization, be it two days or three weeks.

The consensus on a standard time to productivity for any role is three months; this standard was populated by Michael Watkins bestselling book, The First 90 Days, which addresses the importance of an employee’s first three months in a new role.

This duration, though well-accepted, isn’t practical or sustainable for fast-growing, high-performing companies. For instance, a content marketing associate recruited by an agency concurrently integrates himself into the company’s culture while drafting their first piece of content. Generally, this should happen within their first week.

A suitable TTP range begins from twenty-four hours and can go as high as five working days, but shouldn’t surpass ten working days. This timeline depends on factors such as the role’s technicality, your company’s culture, and the nature of the job (remote, hybrid, or in-person).

Is your employee up to speed within three working days? Great. If you find that your employees need two more weeks of training and adapting before they can complete their first task, you should consider automating your employee onboarding process.

Onboardly shortens new hires time to productivity by automating the onboarding process. We help companies create seamless employee onboarding experiences, integrating new hires into the company’s culture in the shortest possible time. With OnboardlyIT, employees can access all work tools, join teams and channels, and get started within minutes.

Companies with structured onboarding processes reap higher engagements and peak productivity from their new hires than those that go with the flow. With an automated employee management platform like Onboardly, you can fast-track an employee’s orientation and set them up for optimal productivity in record time.

Did you enjoy this article? We’re covering everything you need to know about Time To Productivity. Click this to catch up on the previous post. We’ll be writing soon about improving your employee’s Time to Productivity with a great onboarding experience. Subscribe so we notify you when the article goes live.

