[RECAP] AMA on the Huobi Global Twitter space recap

Published in
13 min readJun 22, 2022

Hello ONBUFFers!

ONBUFF had an AMA session on the Twitter space of Huobi Global (17th June at 10:00 UTC)and many of our supporters were there with us.

In case you missed it, we’d like to inform you of what we shared at the AMA. CBO of ONBUFF team and Huobi Global shared high-quality information and great opinions on the direction of numerous things about ONBUFF. Especially, there were lots of juicy information as we released our mini roadmap.

Let’s check out the recap and see if it helps you get through ONBUFF better!
And, Don’t miss the chance to join our next AMA for more updates.

Session 1: Introduction

John, the host from Huobi| Alright! Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for the little intro. We’re going to be doing more like little intros going forward. Make a little bit more fun for everyone. So today my name is John and we have an amazing special guest for today. You know it’s been with our exchange for a little while, but we wanted to do a follow-up and give them a little space on our twitter space.

If you don’t know what ONBUFF is, I’ll give a quick intro. ONBUFF is an IP-based blockchain content platform focusing on revitalizing IPs using blockchain technology including NFT, P2E games, etc. The project’s goal is to utilize global IPs in many ways including NFTs and P2E games, etc, and help companies owning IPs make it easier to run IP businesses using blockchain technology. ONBUFF connects IPs to new blockchain technology expanding its market from a traditional area to an evolutionary area where users are more involved and connected through the project.

Kevin Kim, welcome to the space.

Kevin, the CBO of ONBUFF| Yeah thanks for the invite today, how are you guys? This is Kevin and I’m the CBO of ONBUFF project. Nice to meet you guys all.

John| Yeah, I’m glad to have you on Twitter space with us today, so Kevin, can you tell us about what you do with the project, and tell us about your experience within the blockchain?

Kevin| Actually, I’m kind of a crypto guy so I have worked in the crypto market for more than five or six years. I’ve worked as a crypto VC before and now I joined the ONBUFF project two years ago. We mainly focus on using IPs to make NFTs, P2E games, etc. Also, we are giving a hand to IP companies to make their own blockchain stuff through collaboration with us.

Session2: Questions and answers

John| Moving forward, you know we have this great project ONBUFF and it’s an IP based blockchain content platform focusing on revitalizing IP using blockchain technology including NFT and P2E games. When I read this intro, I really think that part about the business aspect is really interesting to me. So at this part, I want to hear about what role does the ONIT play in the ONBUFF ecosystem and why is it important? Can you explain it to us?

Kevin| Yes, so our token is called ONIT so you can pronounce it as ONIT. So Our token ONIT makes it easier to participate and invest in the IP market in our ecosystem. Also, ONIT is the key currency in the INNO Platform where IPs are vitalized by blockchain technology and turned into NFT collection and P&E games.

INNO Platform has subconcepts of planets that are the collection of blockchain contents, and our recent P&E game is the first planet. We expect to bring more planets to the INNO platform and the INNO platform to be filled with more blue-chip NFT and P&E games to make ONIT more valuable.

In our ecosystem, users can use ONIT to trade NFT collections and swap to game points or tokens they can use to play P&E games.ONIT holders continue to earn extra advantages by participating in the ecosystem, including airdrop, pre-sale, membership events, etc. In short, ONIT is the key to connecting to the ecosystem of ONBUFF project to access the service available.

John| Perfect so on. It is the token that’s listed on Huobi and I think you say INNO which is like the ONBUFFs’ original platform right?

Kevin| Yeah, right INNO platform.

John| Okay now, we’re going to talk more about the INNO platform. So would you please explain more about the platform itself and what functions will be added?

Kevin| Yeah, you know INNO Platform is the core of our ecosystem. We launched INNO Platform on 11th April and it provides various functions for user support. For now, INNO is mainly used to convert ONBUFF points to ONBUFF tokens and manage ONBUFF points that users earn by playing the game. ONBUFF team plans to add more functions to the platform in near future.

This year, the NFT collection using Ragnarok IP will be added to the INNO platform, and expect users to enjoy the game more with various NFTs. With the NFT collection released, NFT marketplace will be launched on the INNO Platform where users can trade their NFTs freely with ONBUFF token.
We already sold out other NFTs with King of Fighter IPs at Ali-auction before and the users who are waiting for NFT marketplace to trade them also can join the market soon.

In addition, new P2E games are being prepared with popular IPs arriving on the platform soon. Since ONBUFF is cooperating with various IP companies which have already achieved great progress in the game market, we will show unique NFTs and continue to work on P2E games with them based on IPs. We also are planning to add DeFi features to the platform as well for the passive income of ONBUFF coin holders. So, please stay tuned for more news!

John| Great to hear that they’ll be coming with your project. What can I do with the token is really important to holders you know. In this case, it is such a good thing that a lot of projects haven’t even developed yet maybe it’s in the roots of the road map but they haven’t actually done it so I’m glad to hear there’s utility behind the token.

Let’s just talk about Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT. It is quite difficult to pronounce it. Isn’t it? Please tell us about the brief intro of this game and what achievements have you gone through in the past. Or How would you like to use the NFT in the future?

Kevin| Yeah, I agree with it. It is hard to pronounce. Haha. Well, ‘Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT’ was created with a popular global IP company, Gravity Game Link, which is the first P&E game using Ragnarok IP with NFT elements.

We created its own token called ‘NEWTON’ which is connected to ONIT, ONBUFF’s coin. NEWTON doesn’t have any presale or private sale for investors or advisors but only is used for only the ecosystem of the game itself.

Our first game, “Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT” is “Free to Play”. There are surely options you can invest your money to earn better than others. However, our P2E game is made in a way everyone can easily join. First, It is an idle game with autoplay mechanics, and we designed “sharevice” which is used when players can upgrade and level up their characters while simultaneously presenting other players with new opportunities, playing styles, and experiences. Thanks to the popularity of the IP and accessibility of the game, the pre-registration of Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT was over one million before launching, and the number of accumulated users is over 1.5 million.

Players can earn ONBUFF points by playing ‘Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT’ and converting the point to NEWTON at the INNO Platform. We plan NEWTON to be used to purchase game items and game NFTs for users to upgrade their characters and other factors in the game.

We expect players to be more connected to the real world from the gameverse through this system. This will give a whole new experience to the users which is more connected, more decentralized, and more enjoyable after all.
In addition, Gravity and we are trying our best to make Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT as a clean and enjoyable game so there will be a steady stream of updates. In the last week of June, there will be a new update on Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT and you can check out the specific information about the update on the Ragnarok official web and Facebook.

John| Great! Yeah, I thought it was really exciting when I heard the stats of 1.5 million users so it’s great to see that it’s progressed so much. You know, within the accumulated users in that game and the NFT. It really impressed me that it is totally free to play, so I want to make sure that users don’t have to buy an NFT to play the game, right?

Kevin| Yeah, Initially nobody had to buy NFT to play our game so everybody can easily join our game and play. Through playing, they are able to receive tokens.

John| That’s so great. I’m so glad to hear that because like I said prior there’s no upfront cost like a lot of people maybe don’t have $1000 to spend on the NFT just to get started so that’s really good.

Okay so move on to the next, like a lot of ONBUFF supporters are looking forward to the next update. Can you tell us more about how the NFT has been progressing and what you are currently developing as far as the collections to show to users around the world? Like what’s the next step for ONBUFF team?

Kevin| We are currently working on developing several NFT collections, and we expect to show them to our users around this autumn. Firstly, NFT with Ragnarok IP will be connected directly to the P2E games using Ragnarok IP including Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT and other P2E games in the future. As you already know, NFT means something when you can actually have it in your hands no matter what. We’d like to focus on the meaning by giving more various utilities across the games on the NFT.

And we are planning to develop ONBUFF’s original NFT collection too. We think that would be another interesting project with our deep understanding of NFT to build a community and let them join our ecosystem through the NFT project. We’d like to make this NFT collection could be another gate to join our ecosystem.

John| Good, good! You know NFTs were recently really high. They still are pretty good. A lot of people are still buying and selling them so it’s good to hear that NFT is a focus as far as part of the game.

And you’re going to be having a lot more updates in the future, so I’m glad to see that your team is building consistently, no matter the market condition, which is really good.

You know, so just the thing I was thinking about is what is the upcoming main project of ONBUFF team? I mean what’s the focus in the future?

Kevin| It’s been about two months since our first P&E game Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT has been launched. That has been successful in the way a lot of players are enjoying the game, but there are also some troubles users find uncomfortable.

One of them was about the gas fee of the Ethereum network.
Since ONBUFF projects began on the Ethereum network, Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT’s token, NEWTON, is also working on Ethereum, which makes users pay more gas fees than other networks. To make the user experience better, we are working on expanding our network to build the side-chain to reduce gas fees. We expect it to be active in 3Q of this year, and it will be helpful for the next Ragnarok game in the near future.

John| So you’re currently on the Ethereum network, and you’re going to build a side chain to help reduce fees. That’s good. I’m excited about the Ethereum 2.0 update which is the merge. At this point, I want to ask if you that are you going to accept the update or leave and find another network?

Kevin| It is a difficult question to answer as moving on to another network requires a huge amount of work. Also, it has lots of things to consider. Our team acknowledges the fact that we have to make a solution to the gas fee problem. This is the reason why we are working on getting help from the Polygon network.

And the Ethereum 2.0 update the merge, we don’t have a lot to say about it as you know, it keeps being delayed and it is a bit hard for us to imagine what it would be like in the future. However, after the update, if the gas fee is improved, it will be great news for us and other projects suffering from the high gas fee.

John| Great, that’s good to hear that you’re thinking of the community. You know I saw some projects that they know their pain points but they just keep building, even though they know what’s wrong. well, we know that ONBUFF is cooperating with various IP-based companies. Would you please introduce your partnerships?

Kevin| ONBUFF is showing outstanding performance in the crypto market with great partners.

We are working with those partners in various sectors of the blockchain field such as metaverse, P&E game, and NFT projects.
One of our great partners is ICONIX. ICONIX is an animation-making studio, creating popular kids’ animation in Korea, Pororo.
In cooperation with ICONIX, limited Pororo NFTs got published on The SANDBOX which is the biggest metaverse platform and there is Pororo metaverse land where users can role-play with Pororo NFTs.

Another close partner is SNK, SNK is well known as a game development company that launched the mega-hit game King of Fighters and Metal Slug. Recently, the royal family of Saudi, Muhammad Bin Salman took over the SNK. He believes there is great potential in the game industry. Also, Bin Salman is planning to list SNK on NASDAQ. Through the collaboration with SNK, ONBUFF has successfully finished our limited NFT sale based on the IP of King Of Fighters, Metal slug and etc at Ali Auction.

We are making P&E games with Gravity using Ragnarok IPs. And we plan to develop other games with Gravity in the future, too. We also are interested in expanding our partnerships including small and medium-size IP companies to help them utilize their IPs in various blockchain fields.

John| Great! Actually, I visited your marketplace, the NFT marketplace. And I gotta say it was pretty cool. I like the one that’s like the little tank guy that fires in his animation. And also I’m a street Street Fighter guy myself like an old-school Nintendo Street Fighter guy. So when I saw the King of fighters NFT I thought that was really cool. Let’s move on to Newton. What is Newton and what is it built for?

Kevin| Thanks for the compliment! John. Well, NEWTON can be described as a token that is connected to ONBUFF’s coin called ONIT. In the ecosystem of ONBUFF, there are planet tokens for supporting various projects of ours and NEWTON is the first released planet token. Since it is made for the ONBUFF ecosystem, we didn’t have any presale or private sale for investors or advisors but will be used for only the ecosystem of the game itself.

The main role of NEWTON is to turn traditional games into blockchain-based games which are well known as the P2E game. Players are able to earn ONBUFF points by playing ‘Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT’ and they can convert the point to NEWTON at the INNO Platform. We plan NEWTON to be used to purchase game items and game NFTs for users to upgrade their characters and other factors in the game.

John| As far as the IP we talked about in the Newton token, you know one thing I really think about when I talk about projects is there are tokens to tokenomics, but then there are utilities and then on top of that is like the upcoming projects, right? So can you tell us what you have if you have anything that’s not released? I love juicy information, so like if you haven’t released it, that’s even better.

You know, if you can release it on our AMA space, that’s even better. Can you tell us about upcoming projects? That’s going to be released.

Kevin| Of course, yeah. Some of our fans already noticed this information as we mentioned a few times back in the day. It can be seen as our updated roadmap and there are 4 upcoming projects we are currently focusing on. We are looking forward to announcing the date of releasing these updates as soon as it’s ready so please stay tuned with us.

To start with, we are planning to show our second P&E game with our partner, Gravity. It is also a series of Ragnarok which is called Poring Merge and it will be a very different type of game compared to Ragnarok labyrinth NFT. Since Poring Merge is a game that is focused on collecting, synthesis and tactics, there will be lots of utilities for NFT. We believe the release of Poring Merge will show some synergy effect with Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT as it shares gameverse each other.

Lots of our supporters were wondering about our NFT release and here is about it. There will be a huge update on the INNO Platform about the NFT function. Around Q3 to Q4, we will show our original NFTs that have several utilities in our ecosystem, and with that, the NFT marketplace will be updated in the INNO Platform at the same time. After this update, Our fans and supporters will be able to trade NFTs and we will keep making improvements on not only convenience but also features.

And next following issue is also about NFT updates but it can be more interesting. There are lots of requests on launching King of Fighters NFT once again so we are planning to launch new NFTs based on the King Of Fighters IP. We believe these brand new King of Fighters NFT will be more unique and characteristic. Also, with the release of the NFT, we are planning to provide eye-catching events for our supporters.

Lastly, we are in the process of making our original game which will be a form of a web-based simple but interesting. Our fans and supporters will be able to enjoy the game on the INNO Platform and it has the concept of roulette which means users have a chance to win the prize. The prize will be enormous as it consists of NFT, Ethereum and ONIT so please join the game and test your luck with it.


John| I think what you’re doing is great and how the spirit and everything behind it is like making it easy to play. So yeah, I’m glad to have you on the Twitter space AMA. And thanks for you know, allowing us to be part of your community and listing your token on Hobie. I’m glad to have it on Huobi.

Kevin| Yeah, so thank you for listening, and thank you for supporting us. Also thank you for setting such a good AMA here.

John| Sure and come back whenever you have any updates, feel free to send us a message! We always like to hear when something big’s coming especially if it’s you haven’t released it, yet. We always like to be the first to hear about it.

Find more information on Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

Hompage : https://gnjoy.id/#
Official trailer :
Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT Introduction :

Find more information on ONBUFF

INNO Platform : https://inno.onbuff.com
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