[DEV NOTE] ONBUFF Monthly Development Update: November

Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2023

Greetings, ONBUFFers!
As we delve into our November monthly development update, it’s evident that this month has been quite the marathon for us. November was about laying the groundwork for what’s in store for December. Amidst the tireless efforts, there’s a beacon of excitement on the horizon for ONBUFF enthusiasts. December holds promises of exhilarating revelations! The anticipation mounts as everyone wonders about the thrilling news that awaits. Here’s a hint: ONBUFF’s INNO Platform is on the cusp of significant transformation. Brace yourselves and stay tuned, because something big is brewing!

📓Dev Note: INNO Platform

Mysten labs Marketing Support Request
Create a checklist for responding to Apple Features
Working with Wallet web publishing integration
Working with main page web publishing
NFT marketplace web publishing tasks
Create [BBRP] October 2023 report
Migrating from the old to the new administrative tools
Developed webpage permissions feature
Webpage environment settings
Developed NFT transfer function for new wallet registration
Setting up and testing migration test environment
Resolved btc-info API Response error

📒Dev Note: INNO PICK

Ragnarok Labyrinth 12th Sale
SNK Art Support Request
Ragnarok Labyrinth, Little Legions in-platform image adaptation
On-chain game research
On-chain game planning
On-chain game screen concept design
On-chain game architecture design
Establishment of On-chain game client development environment
On-chain game client development
Prototyping on-chain game resources

Updated Events in November

Mystenlabs and ONBUFF partnership

Recently, ONBUFF and Mystenlabs have forged a powerful collaboration, marking significant strides in joint endeavors. Together, we’ve been diligently advancing the Sui network infrastructure, specifically tailored for the dynamic realm of blockchain games. This partnership extends far beyond mere cooperation during events; it’s a cohesive effort toward pioneering the future of gaming on the Sui network. Our focus remains on collaborative research and development, delving into the intricacies of gaming NFTs and bolstering the infrastructure vital for blockchain gaming within the Sui ecosystem. This collaboration stands as a testament to our shared commitment to innovation and the evolution of gaming technology.

December Update Teasers: What’s Coming to ONBUFF?

In anticipation of our December updates, ONBUFF is gearing up for a significant transformation within the INNO Platform. Our November development note offers a sneak peek into these changes, providing you with a glimpse of what’s to come. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we prepare to unveil these enhancements.

INNO Platform UI

During December, ONBUFF’s INNO Platform webpage is poised for a substantial transformation. This overhaul encompasses a comprehensive UI revamp, notably the redesign of ONBUFF’s pivotal aspect, the Planet page. This particular section has undergone simplification and clarification, aimed at significantly enhancing user convenience and ease of navigation throughout our platform. Users can anticipate a more streamlined and user-friendly experience with these updates.

Wallet system

In a bid to align closer with a decentralized system and accommodate our expanding global user base, ONBUFF is initiating a significant alteration to its wallet system. This strategic shift involves the adoption of an external wallet solution aimed at offering users enhanced convenience coupled with reduced gas fees. As part of the forthcoming INNO Platform webpage update, the wallet system is transforming, introducing the availability of two external wallets. These changes mark ONBUFF’s commitment to providing a more accessible and cost-effective user experience, paving the way for seamless interactions within our platform.

🕹️Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

  • Regular Maintenance and Bug Reports
  • New NFT Pet Sale

Behold the marvels of Ragnarok Labyrinth—the NFT dream team that’s set to redefine gaming! Introducing the stellar lineup of pets: the regal King Porings in both Bronze and Iron variations, the mischievous Baphomet Junior, and the formidable trio of ROBOT companions—Neutral, Fire, and Water. These incredible pets aren’t just companions; they’re your guides to unparalleled adventures and immersive gaming experiences. Get ready to embark on epic quests and journey through realms like never before, led by these extraordinary creatures. They’re not just pets; they’re the gateway to a whole new gaming odyssey!

🕹️Little Legions NFT

  • Regular Maintenance and Bug Reports


ONBUFF’s community has been actively tracking last month’s statistics across various platforms. On X (Twitter), impressions saw a decrease to 7,452, with a slight dip in followers to 15.7K. Conversely, on Medium, the platform registered 1,364 views, marking a notable increase in dedicated followers, now standing at an impressive 9,372. Over on Naver Post, the content achieved an outstanding 577 views, complemented by 340 visits. Remember to follow, subscribe, and enable notifications to stay updated with all things ONBUFF!




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