[DEV NOTE] ONBUFF Monthly Development Update: October

Published in
5 min readNov 1, 2023

Greetings ONBUFFers!

The October monthly developer note has been updated! In this enchanting month of October, nature itself undergoes a captivating transformation, with trees fortifying their bark to prepare for the imminent winter chill. Much like nature, here at ONBUFF, we are fully committed to a transformation aimed at attaining higher levels of efficiency, ensuring seamless operations, and enhancing user-friendliness. This evolution signifies our dedicated efforts to elevate ONBUFF to a more sophisticated and upgraded state, ready to face the challenges ahead.

📓Dev Note: INNO Platform

Unity <-> VSCode Debugging Environment Configuration Development
Sizing and organizing game object resources for production
Developing an on-chain game git repository configuration and setup
Developing an on-chain game client framework
Introducing On-chain Game
Separate Wallet and MARKET
Add product purchase history and swap history features
Add statistics menu
Developed check status change
My Page Development
MARKET Development
SWAP development
Transferring coins held on the LEGACY platform when registering a new wallet
API Checker check
Changed Platform V2 log schema
Server integration response
Product purchase transfer log design
Migration Tool Log Development & Deployment Setup
Migration app development
Swap Transfer Log Design
Collaboration with Mysten labs developers
Collaborate with Keepsake
SEA Targeted Marketing Suggestions

📒Dev Note: INNO PICK

Organizing and communicating improvements
Discuss and create an official page production schedule
Delivered the Samurai Shodown Logo reference
Published 5 Mount NFT testnet and registered STAGE environment products
Registered NFT testnet PVP equipment products
Resolved Samurai Shodown NFT update_image_url ownership issue

Updated Events in October

Samurai Shodown has been featured in Sui’s Play Beyond

Sui has unveiled an exciting new gaming venture known as Play Beyond, a dedicated platform designed to revolutionize the gaming experience on Sui. Here, gamers and developers are invited to embark on a journey through the vibrant world of Sui gaming. The page offers a treasure trove of content, including live games on the network, previews of upcoming releases, exclusive interviews with creators, and even an introductory course on game development tailored specifically for the Sui platform. Notably, the much-anticipated release of Samurai Shodown takes center stage, prominently featured on this dynamic page, promising an immersive gaming experience like never before.

ONBUFF x Cubic Event reward announcement

The previous month blazed with the scintillating events of TOKEN 2049-Cubic, and now, as it draws to a close, we’re thrilled to announce the well-deserved winners. To those who participated and supported us, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your love and backing have been invaluable.

Drumroll, please, for the victorious addresses:

0xE580BB105B069b7B0e05a966195e48955B71eEC5 0x2A3B5F7Fbd998896D26ACCD9049312F893AFC931 0x468065b001f173aF9E93530DafCc19aF422caEF6 0xFf9f0aA48a13b31F401C0ac102CA5dd155D11cB0 0xCF501889aD3725782E603Dc6D75299D68979c15c 0x207D21FbDD2Ac046188CcAbbABb476C5f4463479 0xa80F3aE87Dde71e47166B8d9b57ab74FB02fc4d5 0x28f29B9025d0E9D112Dbd512Fed14bA68d87D619 0x65A259eaBA087954Cc9e3Cdc76dF0042AbFEe3f1 0x5beB06efcE083Fec6fA888049e9f883063B681F9

Heartiest congratulations to all the winners, and once again, thank you to all the ONBUFFers for your unwavering support.

ONBUFF is mentioned as one of the most anticipated companies in Korea's TOP 10

ONBUFF is honored to be recognized as one of the most eagerly anticipated companies, securing a spot in the prestigious Top 10 list in Korea. On a whirlwind tour spanning Hong Kong, Istanbul, Seoul, and Singapore this year, BTS Labs has graciously shared 25 enlightening insights and invaluable knowledge from these remarkable journeys. Additionally, they’ve thoughtfully curated a selection of each city's top 10 must-visit institutions. Within their illuminating article, BTS Labs unveils the boundless future potential of ONBUFF, spotlighting our company as a beacon of promise. To delve further into this exciting revelation, you can find the articles here: ODaily, Foresight News, and TechFlow. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to BTS Labs for their dedicated exploration of ONBUFF’s capabilities.

ONBUFF x Sui Partnership Journey: ONBUFF x MOVE language

The eagerly awaited second installment of the ONBUFF x Sui Partnership Journey series is now live! In this latest update, we delve into the Move language and its profound connection to the blockchain gaming world. For all ONBUFFers keen on unraveling the mysteries of Move and exploring the dynamic interplay between blockchains, this is an invaluable opportunity to enrich your knowledge. Come, join us, and elevate your understanding.
Upgrade your data and be a part of this exciting journey!

🕹️Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

  • Regular Maintenance and Bug Reports
  • 5-Star Health Cookie Doll has been bid for 300,000 ONIT

The coveted 5-star Health Cookie Doll NFT from Ragnarok Labyrinth has sparked a bidding frenzy, with a staggering offer of 300,000 ONIT! If you’re eyeing this rare gem for your collection, now’s the time to act. Don’t let this opportunity slip away, for the doll won’t wait for anyone. Place your bid and secure this 5-star Health Cookie Doll while you can!
5-rank Health Cookie Doll

🕹️Little Legions NFT

  • Regular Maintenance and Bug Reports


Just like last month, ONBUFF’s community is gradually increasing. On X (Twitter), the content garnered an impressive 11,100 impressions, marking a substantial increase of over 3,000 compared to the previous month. However, the number of followers decreased to 15.9k. Over on Medium, the platform recorded 1,876 visits, while the number of devoted followers has climbed to an impressive 9,351, with 13 fresh faces in the mix. Meanwhile, on Naver Post, the content achieved an outstanding 565 views. Additionally, there were 334 visits. Don’t forget to follow, subscribe, and turn on the notification bell to stay tuned for ONBUFF!




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