[GAME] The Technology of Sui and ONBUFF Collaboration: INNOvation of ONBUFF ‘BRICK POP’

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6 min readMar 18, 2024

Hello ONBUFFers

Introducing ONBUFF BRICK POP: a groundbreaking collaboration between Sui and ONBUFF technology. This innovative game combines Sui’s seamless blockchain technology with low gas fees and ONBUFF’s expertise in game development fused with blockchain technology. By leveraging the strengths of both platforms, BRICK POP offers players an immersive gaming experience that merges cutting-edge technology with captivating gameplay. Designed for real-time transactions and high user engagement, BRICK POP allows users to create and exchange value directly through gameplay. With its transparent and real-time processing of in-game interactions.

Innovative Technology of Sui Blockchain

Sui is a next-generation blockchain platform known for its lightweight and high-speed processing, offering high scalability and efficiency. Specifically designed for interactive applications like gaming, SUI supports real-time gameplay and transactions while maintaining low transaction costs. These technical features of SUI play a crucial role when on-chain games such as ‘ONBUFF BrickPop’ require real-time transaction processing and high user interaction.

ONBUFF’s Innovative Approach

ONBUFF aims to create new value through the fusion of game development and blockchain technology. ‘ONBUFF BrickPop’ is the first game that reflects this philosophy, offering users a new experience where they can directly create and exchange value through gameplay. Leveraging the object-based development features of the SUI blockchain, ONBUFF processes and records all interactions and changes within the game in real-time. This ensures transparency in the game and provides a foundation for players to truly own and exchange the value they generate in the game.

Blockchain Integration in BRICK POP

BRICK POP incorporates essential blockchain functionalities in gameplay and a ranking system.


Every time a user shoots the ball in the game, it triggers a transaction that updates the game object status. The outcome of the game is then preserved as an NFT, which can be traded. To facilitate this process, users are required to connect their Sui wallet to their INNO account. This connection is necessary to cover the game fees associated with playing the game and minting the resulting NFT.

Ranking System

The user’s gameplay results are displayed in real-time on the leaderboard. Based on daily rankings, users receive Act tokens as rewards. These Act tokens enable participation in the INNO Platform’s airdrop events.

Depth and Technical Complexity of Contract Structures

The technical depth of ‘ONBUFF BrickPop’ is particularly emphasized through three key contract data structures: PlayerBoard, Round, and LeaderBoard. These structures play a crucial role in the real-time management of game states, recording player achievements, and accurately managing competition between players. This ensures that all interactions within the game are processed transparently and reliably, allowing players to perceive their progress.

PlayerBoard Structures

Within the game, the PlayerBoard data structure serves as a repository for the user’s progress and performance tracking. It encompasses key fields including:

  • player’: This field captures the user’s contract address, indicating ownership of the corresponding NFT.
  • current_board’: Here, the user’s current stage status is stored, providing a snapshot of their progress within the game.

Upon completing gameplay, users are ranked based on their highest achieved score. This rank is recorded alongside an image URL (‘image_url’), visually depicting the user’s position. Additionally, users have access to their gameplay history in their wallet, empowering them to review and reflect on their progress and achievements over time.

Round Structures

Within the game framework, the Round data structure monitors each instance of the shooting ball, encompassing key fields such as:

  • stage’: This crucial field dynamically logs the current game stage in real-time, offering insight into the player’s progress within the game.
  • last_update_date’: This field plays a pivotal role in recording the latest timestamp of the shooting ball, effectively capturing the last instance of player activity.

The Round data structure serves as a comprehensive repository, meticulously documenting every attempt and outcome. By analyzing this data, the game can gain valuable insights into the player’s gameplay patterns, ultimately enhancing the overall gaming experience for the user.

LeaderBoard Structures

The LeaderBoard data structure serves as a cornerstone in fostering healthy competition among players, featuring essential fields such as:

  • rank’: This pivotal field meticulously records players’ ranks alongside their attained stage statuses, providing a comprehensive overview of their performance within the competitive system.
  • maxRankCount’: Here, the maximum number of players displayed on the LeaderBoard is determined. For instance, setting it to 10 ensures that only the top 10 players are showcased.

Through the LeaderBoard data structure, players are empowered to compare their progress with peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and motivation to ascend to higher stages. This competitive environment not only encourages prolonged gameplay but also amplifies the overall enjoyment and engagement of players.

How Technical Features Affect the Game Experience

The utilization of Sui blockchain technology in ‘ONBUFF BrickPop’ is integral to the core of the game. All transactions occurring during gameplay are recorded on the blockchain, securely storing each player’s game progress, achievements, and acquired NFTs. This allows players to verify their accomplishments and perceive their in-game activities as having tangible value.

Furthermore, this technology ensures fair management of competition among players through the game’s leaderboard system, distributing rewards transparently and reliably.

New Game Experience through the Fusion of Technology

The combination of ONBUFF and SUI blockchain technology has created a new form of a gaming experience through ‘ONBUFF BrickPop’. This game emphasizes both technological innovation and user engagement, providing players with deeper interactions and opportunities for value creation.

Such innovation not only impacts the gaming industry but also extends the scope of blockchain technology applications. ONBUFF and SUI are expected to provide more diverse and enriching user experiences through this, as ‘ONBUFF BrickPop’ serves as a testament to how technological advancements and innovative game design can be combined, offering a new direction for future game development.




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