The Tale of “Once Upon a Site”

Lauren Detweiler
Monitive — Once Upon A Site
3 min readSep 21, 2018

Once upon a time… er… site, there was a company called Monitive that loved uptime monitoring, solving tough problems, and talking about big ideas.

Picture by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

Our company was founded way back in 2010 by Lucian Daniliuc, an entrepreneur and developer who wanted to build something new and leave his mark on the world.

What came out of his desire was a simple, user-friendly uptime monitoring service that has gained a loyal following in its eight years of existence. From Romania to Canada to South Africa, with industries ranging from comic book publishers to IT to non-profits and monasteries, Monitive customers have proven time and time again how value can be drawn from simplicity, and better yet — transparency.

One of our favorite things to do is tell you all our secrets.


We at Monitive consider ourselves and our company to be an open book. With the exception of employee paychecks, everything about us is transparent: number of users, churn rate, technology stack, libraries we use, processes, tools, challenges, epiphanies we have… it’s all available. Moving forward, we’re going to be even more intentional about making this information not only accessible, but also open for discussion (right here on Medium).

Only positive things have come from our commitment to transparency, so why stop now? As Monitive moves toward some big changes (aka a complete rewrite — stay tuned for Monitive: Freyja, coming very soon!), we want to open ourselves up even more, and we want you to join the conversation.

So, welcome to our new publication: Once Upon a Site.

Those of you who have been following along with us over the past eight years know we have kept a consistently active blog, with topics ranging from “how we use Beanstalk Queueing” to team philosophies to abstract musings. We decided to migrate our publication to Medium because… well… we love it here. And we hope you will too.

Once Upon a Site will consist of three series, each focusing on a different topic. The series are as follows:

1. The Monitive Difference

This series is about our vision, our views and our approach to business. You’ll also find product updates, news about us and everything tightly related to Monitive that isn’t about our wonderful customers or technical information about Freyja.

Here, we hope to give you a better idea of what makes Monitive so spectacularly unique. Let us know if you agree!

You can find articles in this series by clicking the proper tab or by searching the tag “Monitive.”

2. Better Together

Is there anything more important than people? If you ask us, no. This series will be all about you, us, the relationships between us and our team’s adventures in building a customer-centric culture. You can expect a wide range of articles on topics like loyalty, feedback, teams, and more. Have an idea for a topic we could discuss? Send it our way!

You can find articles in this series by clicking the proper tab or by searching the tag “Together.”

3. Crafting Monitive: Freyja

This is a big one.

In case you haven’t heard or weren’t paying attention, we’re in the midst of crafting our next-generation monitoring service, Monitive: Freyja, and we can’t wait to tell you about it.

This series will be mainly technical and will describe bits and pieces of the adventure our team embarked when we decided to rewrite the whole service from scratch.

You can find articles in this series by clicking the proper tab or by searching the tag “Freyja.”

If an article doesn’t fit into any of these, then you’ll find it on our home page.

So, there you have it. We’re thrilled to have you here. Don’t forget to follow the publication so you can keep up-to-date with new stories. We also love hearing from you, so feel free to chime in anytime.

Thanks for being here.

The end.

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