Week #20 Freyja Updates

Monitoring engine, Braintree subscriptions and Vuetify

Lucian Daniliuc
Monitive — Once Upon A Site
2 min readMay 17, 2019


Photo by CHU TAI on Unsplash

It’s been a while since the new Monitive codename “Freyja” was launched in private beta, and even though a lot of things have happened, development is moving forward a bit slow than I’ve hoped.

Nevertheless, I’m happy that the core monitoring engine is running smoothly and it’s a great foundation for the years to come.

I’ve decided to write a short post each week about our progress, so this would be the first one. Week 20 refers to this year’s week number, as I use it personally each week when I’m doing all my planning.

Long story short (remember I mentioned it will be short?), the biggest things are these:

First and foremost, the monitoring engine is great. It’s a custom Go + InfluxDB + Lumen PHP monitoring engine that seems to be working in harmony. I still want to run another load test to see where it breaks, but it should be good to monitor thousands of sites every minute.

Second, we’ve started implementing the subscriptions component of the web app, as it’s a key component allowing us to publicly launch it. We’ll integrate with Braintree for recurring payments, and hopefully it will be the simplest subscription system for a monitoring service there is. I’m aiming at having a pay-as-you-go system, based on the number of monitors, with everything included. Meaning no Bronze, Platinum, Gold, Pro, Silver, Premium stuff. It’s one plan. But this project got a bit hijacked, because…

Our frontend UI library we were relying on, vue-mdc-adapter, is now dead. Deprecated. Yes, I made a poor choice of fronted UI framework, I know. Therefore, we have to migrate it to another one. And I chose Vuetify, which is great and has a big community behind it, but we’re right in the middle of the migration process, so this sets us back a bit.

This is a lesson in spending time polishing the design on an app before launch. So, never again. No more spending time polishing a beta product, unless it launches immediately.

That it’s for this week’s updates, have a great weekend! 🍺

If you’re looking for a simple solution to detect downtime before your customers do, check out Monitive.com



Lucian Daniliuc
Monitive — Once Upon A Site

Entrepreneur @ Monitive.com, Team Leader, Scrum Master, Zend Certified Engineer, passionate photographer enthusiastic about success.