Drafted partners with Lever to bring SexyBack to enterprise HR and recruiting

Once upon a team
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2017

Most people don’t think recruiting is a particularly sexy space. (In fact, even that first sentence might be an HR violation). We feel differently. In reality,

Hiring the right team has the largest impact on the outcome of any mission.

At Drafted, we believe that work is a part of life. This means that work should be delightful, rewarding, inspiring, and most importantly, fun. For this reason, it’s not enough to be satisfied with tools that stop at simply getting results.

We believe that work is a part of life. This means that work should be delightful, rewarding, inspiring, and most importantly, fun.

We build hiring tools that go the extra mile. They don’t just get you good results at a low cost — they’re also delightful to use and actually make your work fun.

Hiring is more than just a business need. For both Lever and Drafted, it’s more of a calling.

We both believe that:

  • Great accomplishments require great teams
  • Referrals are one of the most important sources of hiring
  • Enterprise products should be designed and built for humans

So it was a no-brainer to partner up with the ambition of creating an ideal experience for sourcing, tracking, hiring, and retaining the best people in your industry.

What does this mean?

This means that Drafted is available today as an integration for all Lever customers. You can simply flip the switch (no literally, there’s just 1 toggle switch), and amp up your referral game.

Drafted will import your jobs from Lever, and send new referrals directly into your Lever workflow, complete with tags for who referred them and notes on the candidate.

Picture this:

How do I get it?

For companies using both Lever and Drafted, simply click here to flip the switch.

For companies using Lever but not Drafted, head here to get your free Drafted trial. No, we won’t make you talk to a salesperson.

For companies using Drafted but not Lever, head here to ping the Lever team so they can hook you up.

We’re bringing sexyback to HR software. Are you ready to have fun while hiring?



Once upon a team

Helping companies create stronger, happier, and richer teams: https://drafted.us