I’m a Fake Traveller

That splashy travel life just isn’t for me.

Michelle Lee-Ann
Once Upon a Traveller


Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

I used to think that I wanted to be a True Traveller, a person who constantly travelled all over the world, living the nomad lifestyle, collecting memories and tokens instead of money. They’re tan, their hair messy and their clothes rumpled from being pulled out of a backpack, but their eyes and smiles are bright from the jungles they’ve been in, both wooded and concrete. I yearned to be that person one day, hungrily reading travel books, magazines, articles, hoping to be gone on so many trips my passport would be full before expiry. But, I realize now that that type of lifestyle isn’t for me. It never was, even if it became a small part of my life during University. It was more of a silly trend for me, like plastic chokers; something that I still wistfully think about from time to time, but know that I won’t ever follow through.

I still love to travel; I love making memories and finding cool shops and cafes and restaurants everywhere in the world. Instead, I choose to do so with one trip every year (peppered with smaller trips. Hello, Vancouver) and really make it my own. I don’t think of the world as a competitive map where I need to hit every single corner in order to be truly accomplished in traveling and living. I like visiting places more than once, finding those cities that feel like a second home, the…



Michelle Lee-Ann
Once Upon a Traveller

Recently published kid's book author, lover of all things Karl Lagerfeld, Golden Girls enthusiast, and finds happiness in books from Hemingway to Harlequin.