Google algorithm updates in 2021

Oncrawl SEO tips & tricks
2 min readDec 15, 2021

2021 was a full year for Google and SEOs: multiples Core Update, Page Experience Update, Spam Update, etc.
To give you a clearer overview, here is the big list of the 2021 Google’s updates. We hope that this reminder will help you to be clear with the current Google guidelines and updates!

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Passage Indexing (US/English) — February 10, 2021

Featured Snippet Drop — February 19, 2021

and Recovery — March 12, 2021

MozCast measured a 40% day-over-day drop in SERPs with Featured Snippets, with a mysterious return to their previous levels three weeks after.

Product Reviews Update — April 8, 2021

Google announced an update to reward in-depth reviews over thin reviews and spammy affiliates (impacting English-language only at launch).

June 2021 Core Update — June 2, 2021

Spam Updates — June 23, 2021

Danny Sullivan of Google, said that ‘both parts of this spam update were “global” updates that targeted both web results and image results’.

Page Experience Update — June 25, 2021

This update included Core Web Vitals and impacted both organic results and News results (including Top Stories).

July 2021 Core Update — July 1, 2021

A follow-up to the June Core Update, the July 2021 Core Update rolled out from July 1–12.

Link Spam Update — July 26, 2021

Google Title Update — August 24, 2021

Google informed the public of a new system that can generate titles for website pages. It will focus more on accurately describing what a page is about.

November 2021 Spam update — November 3, 2021

We do not know if this update targets link spam, content spam, or other forms of search spam.

November 2021 Core Update — November 17, 2021

This is the third core update Google released in 2021.

Translated Results (India) — November 18, 2021

Google documented a change called Translated Results currently limited to India. It auto-translates the titles and snippets between languages.

December 2021 Product Reviews Update — December 2, 2021

This will impact product reviews on English-language pages. It will take about three weeks to complete.

And 22 possible Google Search Ranking unconfirmed updates

Originally published at on December 15, 2021.

