Onda Halloween. Chapter 5, The call from empty bones

Inês Cortez
Onda Studio
Published in
1 min readOct 22, 2020

Crows came out, flying through the office. We tried to protect ourselves as much as we could, but some of us could feel their feathers touching our clothes. They all flew away through the window.

And we all wondered if we were insane, as we saw them flying up in the sky. Someone in the city should have seen that, we couldn’t be the only ones!

Inside the cupboard there was no child. Just an empty bottle of brandy, a used coffee bean bag, big enough to cover an adult, and another note.

“What does it say?”

“It reads ‘You said you would help.’”

“OK, this is enough”. One of us started hitting the door and shouting “Help”, hoping a soul could hear us. Another one of us went to the window and shouted the same message. But nobody responded. We heard someone else. Something else.

Our landline, our cut-wire landline, rang.

To be continued…

