Onda Halloween. Chapter 6, “You promised you would help!”

Inês Cortez
Onda Studio
Published in
Oct 23, 2020

“Weren’t the wires cut?”

“Is this someone’s mobile? Because I swear that…”

“It ain’t nobody’s phone! It’s the landline!”

“Guys, I swear that if this is a joke from one of you, it has gone too far!”

“I’m not kidding! The phone is ringing!”

I picked up.


The voice from the other side froze my blood.

“You promised. You gave me hope, and now she’s gone. And all because of you. You could have helped her!”

“Who’s this?”

They hung up, and a chilled air spread through us.

“Did they answer?”

“No, but I’m pretty sure it was the doorman.”

The phone rang again. I picked up immediately. The same voice speaks.

“You promised you would help! You could have saved her!”

To be continued…

