Introducing Rai liquidity vaults in partnership with Reflexer!

Justin Bram
Ondo Finance
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2022

We’re excited to announce that Reflexer has engaged in a partnership with Ondo! RaaS (Rai-as-a-Service) is a unique offering because these vaults will be to the community!

This partnership will be an addition to Ondo’s Liquidity-as-a-Service offering and enable the use of $RAI, which will be provided by the community, as liquidity for token issuers.

The Reflexer community has agreed to incentivize the community to use Rai-as-a-Service by providing $FLX incentives. Anyone in the community can provide $RAI to Ondo’s fixed tranches and the variable tranche will be provided by either the community, the token issuer, or a combination of the two. If there are any specific incentivized token pairs you’d like to see launched, please reach out to our team!

You can read more about the incentive program here.

About Rai-as-a-Service:

Rai-as-a-Service (“RaaS”) is an offering from Reflexer and Ondo to make it possible for projects issuing tokens to increase the liquidity in their native tokens on decentralized exchanges by providing liquidity themselves. With RaaS, community members can deposit their token into an Ondo liquidity vault with a flexible duration. Ondo will match those deposits with an equivalent amount of RAI to form a liquidity pair. In exchange for providing RAI, depositors will receive a fixed APR return on their provided liquidity.

Ondo’s vaults provide several advantages over existing liquidity solutions. With Ondo, token issuers earn trading fees and rewards which reduce (or even negate) impermanent loss (IL) risk and the cost of capital. With small adjustments, Ondo vaults are well-suited to facilitating direct listings, establishing the first liquidity for a token. Direct listings could eventually replace or complement IDOs. We would love to work directly with Reflexer to build out these future offerings.

About Ondo

Ondo Finance is connecting and servicing investors and token issuers in DeFi with on-chain investment banking services. Ondo is being developed by a team of traditional banking veterans and DeFi experts. The team includes alumni from Goldman Sachs Digital Assets, Facebook, BadgerDAO, Snap, private equity funds, hedge funds, and various venture-backed start-ups.

If you’re interested in getting involved, join us on Twitter and Discord.

