Ondo Monthly Recap | Apr-May 2022

Ondo Finance
Ondo Finance
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2022

Welcome to the very first edition of the Ondo monthly recap. We will also be releasing this content via email, so please subscribe here if you don’t want to miss our latest updates!

Announcements 📣


We were delighted to share the launch of the Ondo token and DAO governance, via initial listing on Coinlist.

The registration deadline was May 9 at 12:00 UTC and the token sale begins May 12 at 17:00 UTC.

Details and registry information can be found here.

Series A Funding

We successfully raised a $20M Series A to accelerate the adoption of DeFi! This latest round of funding was led by Founders Fund and Pantera Capital.

Strategic investors joining the round included Coinbase Ventures, GoldenTree, Wintermute, Steel Perlot, Tiger Global, and Flow Traders.

Read more about our Series A funding round.

New Developments 🛠

Curve & Convex Vaults

We are excited to announce the imminent release of Ondo’s new Curve & Convex vaults.

Last year, Ondo introduced vaults enabling investors to provide single-sided liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) while adjusting their risk/reward level. We were blown away by the positive feedback from the community, DAOs, and other investors. Our vaults have provided $200M+ in liquidity to over a dozen projects.

The new release builds on our existing features — from risk tranching and feeless auto-compounding — while introducing a number of new benefits for stableswaps: integrations with Curve & Convex, multi-pair vaults, and flexible tranche ratios.

For more details about these vaults, check out this Medium post.


On April 30, the Angle community approved a partnership with Paladin to utilize Ondo’s Liquidity-as-a-Service offering. This partnership will enable the use of $agEUR as liquidity for $PAL.

Angle will become the first project to utilize Liquidity-as-a-Service with a euro-pegged stablecoin. Angle’s approval follows an initial proposal by the Paladin community, who overwhelmingly voted to approve PGP-10 on April 30, with 14.6M (95.6%) positive votes.

Read more about agEUR-as-a-Service here.

Roadmap Alpha 🛣

Curious about what else we’ve got planned? See below for our latest roadmap.

Community 🏘

The last month was an incredible period for community growth. We are overwhelmed with both the level of support and engagement from our brilliant community — thank you to everyone who took a part in this.

We hope that you continue to play a part in, and benefit from, our mutual growth. Our Discord community grew 10x and we are delighted to say that~100 new community members recently earned the Ondonian role! A special thanks to all Ondonians and mods for your outstanding contributions to our community.


Are you involved in a DAO that could benefit from Ondo products? We’re always looking to expand our partnerships! Make an introduction in the dao-to-dao Discord channel or send an email to partnerships@ondo.finance.

Ondo Finance is building a decentralized investment bank. We are building software that finds attractive investments across the traditional and DeFi landscape, repackages these assets into easily understood risk/reward offerings, and then matches and offers these assets to both institutional and retail investors. Join our community to stay up-to-date with our latest developments and product launches!

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