Don’t Leave Your Parents Childless

David Fleming
One Christian’s Medical
2 min readDec 27, 2017

The drug is not worth it.


Do not look at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup and goes down smoothly. In the end it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder.

Proverbs 23:31–32 (ESV)

I know, I know, the above scripture is talking about alcohol. Synthetic opioids didn’t exist in the time the Bible was written. But I think we can easily apply the same principles here.

Drugs alter your mind and make you do things you wouldn’t otherwise do. They may feel pleasurable in the moment, but afterward they only bring heartache.

The bite of a serpent and the sting like an adder.

It’s the stuff you think you only see on police or medical dramas on TV. But it happened in my ER the other day. Three people in their 20’s took cocaine laced with carfentanyl, a synthetic analog of fentanyl.

In case you don’t know, fentanyl is an opioid drug used to reduce pain. It does so by stimulating the brain to release endorphins, the body’s natural method of suppressing pain signals. It also gives a euphoric feeling of happiness, further reducing pain. Endorphins also suppress the central nervous system though, slowing down breathing and heart rate. This is why overdose of opioids is a big deal; they can cause a person’s breathing and heart rate to slow down so much that they stop breathing or go into cardiac arrest.

Carfentanyl is 100 times as potent as fentanyl and 5,000 times as potent as heroin.

With just a little knowledge about opioids, it’s easy to see taking any, let alone carfentanyl, is never a good idea.

Hence the three patients in the ER. One full cardiac arrest, two unresponsive.

Two went to intensive care. One passed away. He was in his 20’s and the father of a small child.

Parents, brothers and sisters were left grieving in the family waiting room.

I know most people know they shouldn’t use, so I’m not here to patronize you.

But listen:


It’s just not worth the risk.

It’s not worth your death.

It’s not worth bringing your family pain.

Just one poor decision can change your life or someone else’s life forever.

Don’t get bit by the serpent or stung by the adder.

Don’t leave your parents childless.

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David Fleming
One Christian’s Medical

A sharer of thought. A writer of short stories. A desire to lift people up.