Make a List of 7 Things That Are Under Your Control

Find a more objective perspective when things feel out of control using this One Clear Step

One Clear Step
One Clear Step
2 min readApr 28, 2022


Photo by Hoang M Nguyen on Unsplash

Remind yourself of what’s stable and reliable in your life


At the beginning of each day make a list of 7 things in your life over which you have control. If you need help finding 7 items, dive into the additional resources linked below.

Start each day with this reminder


Do this at the beginning of each day and then refer to the list in any moment you feel distressed by a lack or loss of control. In such a moment, you can refer to your list or start the step fresh by making a new list of things you can control.

This Step restores balance to your thinking and calms the limbic system


The feeling of losing control is often accompanied by fear, and fear triggers the flight or fight response, activating a neurochemical process that actually prioritizes further negative, fear-inducing perspectives. Reminding yourself that there are indeed things that remain within your control restores balance to your thinking, calms the limbic (emotional center) system and empowers clearer perception.

Commit your list to paper and post it


Something to write with. A tangible paper record you post somewhere visible is preferable to an electronic note or file.


“The task is not to control the wind, but to control the movements of the ship so it stays the course.” — Cora L.V. Hatch


Step 5
Steps for Managing Depression
Focus on You and Your Thoughts
Stretch Level 2

📙 Additional Resources

The Only 7 Things You Can Really Control in Life

Why worry about sh*t you can’t change?



One Clear Step
One Clear Step

I’m Rick Lewis, editor & leader of a team of writers, researchers & growth leaders who are dedicated to providing useful actions for accelerating mental health.