Green Travel Tips

Manage your Carbon Footprint

Amber McLennan
One Degree Left
3 min readMar 15, 2019


The green travel trend is continuing to gain momentum with nearly 70% of global travellers saying that they’d prefer to book an eco-friendly accommodation.

Despite the desire to reduce their carbon footprint while traveling, many people do not know where to start. That is why we’ve put together some easy tips that collectively can make a big impact.

1. Avoid single use plastics

Many destinations, such as tropical islands, do not have sufficient waste management infrastructure to cope with excess waste brought in from travellers. By refusing single-use plastics, we can cut down significantly on the amount of waste that is negatively impacting their ecosystems.

  • Go straw free: More than 500,000,000 plastic straws are thrown away every day in the US alone! That’s enough to circle the earth twice!
    While traveling, (and at home for that matter!) ask for no straw. Alternatively, carry with you a reusable bamboo straw to cut down on waste.
  • Bring a cloth bag: Governments all over the world have taken action to ban the sale of single use plastic bags due to the amount of waste they produce. Carry a cloth bag for day trips to ensure that you’re not contributing to the waste.
  • Carry a reusable water bottle: Bottled water is convenient but the way that it is produced and disposed of isn’t. Traveling with a reusable water bottle is a simple way to help reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Minimize Pollution

Planes, trains, and automobiles, although fast release a lot of carbon emissions. Making green choices about how you’ll get to your destination and how you’ll get around once there, can reduce your carbon footprint substantially.

  • Consider how you get there: If you’re traveling within driving distance and in a group, consider driving rather than flying to lower fuel emissions. If you’re traveling on your own, it is actually more eco-friendly to fly!
  • Fly direct: The takeoffs and landings create the most of an airplane’s carbon emissions. Try to book non-stop flights when you can.
  • Use local transportation: Small actions can make a big difference! By biking, walking, or using public transportation while traveling, you can help decrease the amount of cars on the road while seeing the sites in a unique way.

3. Stay in eco-friendly accommodations

In 2018, nearly 70% of travelers said they’d prefer to book an eco-friendly accommodation — if possible. The “if possible” is key, as identifying green locations can be tricky.

Eco-Scores: Look for accommodations with an Eco Scores. This system ranks rentals based on their sustainable practices, features and amenities. The more ‘green’ the rental, the better their Eco Score.

Read the fine print: If a rental does not have an Eco Score, take the time to go through the rental descriptions and look for:

  • Renewable energy production from solar, wind, etc
  • Rain harvesting
  • Energy efficient lighting
  • Car free accessibility
  • Composting
  • Recycling
  • Smart home thermostat
  • Low-flow toilets
  • Eco-friendly toiletries
  • Local, ethical, sustainable and organic food options

Do you have a vacation rental? Get your eco-score!

Look for a rentals eco-score before you travel.

In sum

Remember, green travel is all about making simple choices to decrease your carbon footprint. If each of us considers how we get there, where we stay, and what we consume, and make green choices, these small decisions will make a big difference on our environment.

About One Degree

One Degree is on a mission to positively impact the tourism industry by helping vacation rentals be both more sustainable and increase their bookings.

