Looking for Street Outreach Volunteers!

One Degree
One Degree
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2014

One Degree had a great time running a booth at the MLK2014 festival, thanks to some amazing volunteers! Because of that successful event we’re expanding our street outreach efforts to reach even more families.

We’ve got three events coming up, and we could use your help to recruit people! We have a big goal to rapidly increase the number of users that are using One Degree, and we’re doing this guerrilla-style by talking directly with families.

Here’s what one volunteer had to say about her experience:

“So excited by the opportunity to hand such a helpful resource to so many families. Equally, it was neat to see how thirsty our community was for One Degree.”

Can you help with a shift or two? All you have to do is show up, and I’ll explain everything else on the day of.

Sign up for a shift here: http://bit.ly/1fGYbmb


  • Choose shifts during the following events:
  • Saturday, Feb 1 from 12–5
  • Wednesday, Feb 26 from 1:30–3:00
  • Saturday, Mar 8 from 10–2
  • Location: Different high schools throughout SF
  • What to bring: Tablet or smartphone
  • What to wear: Wear a blue shirt if you can. I have a few One Degree shirts that volunteers can wear!
  • What volunteers do: Volunteers help by handing out flyers, giving demos of One Degree, and signing families up for One Degree. Easy peasy.

Thank you so much, and I hope you’ll volunteer with us and help recruit users!


PS — Thanks to Sean, Chi-Chi, Karla, Alia, Kyle, Ricky, Grace, Anne, Pedro and Shane for making MLK2014 a success!

One Degree volunteers at MLK2014 Festival.



One Degree
One Degree

One Degree empowers people to build healthy and fulfilling lives through equity-centered technology and deep community partnerships.