Susan Sarandon’s White Privilege Is Showing

“Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately if he gets in then things will really, you know, explode.” What?!?

One Great Graf
2 min readMar 31, 2016


By Charles Blow:

“What was Sarandon talking about with her coy language? “Bring the revolution”? Exactly what kind of revolution? “Explode”? Was the purpose to present this as a difficult but ultimately positive development? The comments smacked of petulance and privilege. No member of an American minority group — whether ethnic, racial, queer-identified, immigrant, refugee or poor — would (or should) assume the luxury of uttering such a imbecilic phrase, filled with lust for doom. But I don’t doubt that she has met “some people” with a Bernie-or-bust, scorched-earth electoral portentousness. As The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month, “A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll indicates one third of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ supporters cannot see themselves voting for Hillary Clinton in November.” Be absolutely clear: While there are meaningful differences between Clinton and Sanders, either would be a far better choice for president than any of the remaining Republican contenders, especially the demagogic real estate developer. Assisting or allowing his ascendance by electoral abstinence in order to force a “revolution” is heretical. This position is dangerous, shortsighted and self-immolating.” — Charles Blow, NYT



One Great Graf

Host of the podcast Toure Show. Author of "I Would Die 4 U: Why Prince Became An Icon."