Global Health Leader One Health in Action: Solving Complex Problems through Collaboration

INDOHUN’s premier education and training program for students focuses on solving complex problems using the One Health collaborative approach.

One Health Workforce
One Health Workforce


Global Health Leader One Health in Action (GHL: OHIA) was successfully conducted on September 02–06, 2018 in Bandung, West Java. The training consisted of three main activities, including lectures on the first two days, an environmental assessment the next day, and simulations and exercises for the last two days.

Thus, this training has its own framework used for the training. It starts by realizing the global problem in the health context and major issues. This year, an issue that was brought up was environmental health, which included a restoration of Citarum River — the largest and longest river in West Java. Participants were expected to identify and define their role in this case. After that, they were given the tools that can help them solve the problem. Finally, they learned how to make it real by developing a plan of action. From all of this, behavior changes or development are needed to achieve it.

In the last of the session of this training, the participants received 3 different places or descriptions that were shared in front of the class. In that location, they had to assess the condition of the environment and discuss with local communities. The activities started by taking several samples of water that were collected and analyzed by Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). ITB analyzed several parameters based on Indonesia Regulations regarding water quality. The results could be used to determine a source of contamination.

Participants participated in multiple exercises in the last 2 days of the program. They had to make a map to identify and define themselves and their institution in preserving Citarum River. This exercise taught them to know themselves better and collaborate with other sectors. As the purpose of this mapping, they had to communicate and negotiate with others from different disciplines and sectors to identify their ideal role for Citarum River. After completing the map, they had to assess the gap or discrepancy with their real task. By having this note, they can make a plan of action that can be used to make an improvement in their own institution. While making the plan of action, participants were given several details regarding the Negotiation and Advocacy Strategies in the Restoration of the Citarum River.

The training was successfully conducted in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The training brought various knowledge related to global issues and new soft skills for the participants.

Participants admitted that this training is worth it and had a strong relation to their work. The most important activity is the exercise to develop a collaborative plan of action. It teaches them to work together with different sectors without neglecting their own responsibility and culture.

About the Author

Haniena Diva is a program officer with the Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN), a network supported by the USAID One Health Workforce project.



One Health Workforce
One Health Workforce

The @USAID EPT2 One Health Workforce project is developing a workforce to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats in Africa and SE Asia.