Students’ Initiative in Uganda Earns One Health Award

The One Health Workforce project is pleased to announce that a student team at Makerere University is receiving a Special Recognition Award for their rabies awareness event hosted during One Health Day 2016.

One Health Workforce
1 min readApr 20, 2017


In celebration of the impact the One Health approach has had in Uganda, the student team visited St. Noa Girls’ Secondary School to host a rabies awareness workshop on November 2, 2016. Discussions between the university and secondary students centered on rabies transmission routes and how to handle cases when someone has been bitten by a dog or a cat. The One Health team — made up of environmental health, animal production and technology, and medical students in their third year at Makerere University — has been trained on the One Health approach to managing infectious diseases by the One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) university network’s Uganda office. The One Health Commission event organizers are recognizing the winning student teams and other One Health students around the globe by hosting an international webinar next week.

Please join us in congratulating Nakito Prossy, Tumukunde Gloria, Semyalo Joshua, and Mayindi Frank for their ambitious work in One Health.



One Health Workforce

The @USAID EPT2 One Health Workforce project is developing a workforce to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats in Africa and SE Asia.