Productive Minds
Published in
1 min readJan 25, 2020

Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, welcome to PRODUCTIVE MINDS; an avenue for all to share and learn and grow. A support system for Muslim writers.


The reason for this publication is because, as Muslims it’s hard for us to find a place that we can be comfortable and ourselves these days. The society has made a norm of so much that goes against our Islamic teachings and morals. For us to be Muslims, we are required to compromise some of our values because people feel somewhat apprehensive around it.

So, this is a home for us to be ourselves, say our minds, portray Islam as it is by the Quran and Sunna, learn and support each other. And hopefully clear some controversies and stereotypes.

Everything is welcomed; from poems to articles or just a piece about an experience you’ve had, or an opinion.

There is no payment because this publication is free including the contents in it. But who knows? maybe in the future there might be a payment plan.

We don’t have much rules except;
Nothing goes against the Quran or SUNNAH. No additions no reduction, Islam is a progressed religion. Let’s leave it as it is.
Your content should not be forcefully, say your opinion as clear cut as you want but please don’t force it on others.

So let’s write and have fun.



Productive Minds

The plan is to leave a legacy; a phrase or two, hopefully even an article or a book. To have the slightest impact on someone out there; give hope and inspire.