Simplicity You Never Thought You Needed

One Immortl
ONE Immortl
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2021


The fitness and food industries are undergoing significant transformations. Superfood and fitness companies have become lifestyle brands which leverage customer loyalty to differentiate themselves in an ultra-competitive market. They channel a steady investment, talent, and inspiration towards building a connection with users. By ways of creative storytelling, emotion, and innovation, massive communities and followings have been formed around these brands, which also hold a lifeline for these businesses.

These disrupt the traditional fitness and food industries, reshaping customer loyalty. They have built vast consumer channels with many relying on influencer led loyalty for growth. To harness the power of these buyers in an efficient customer loyalty program serves an incredible opportunity.

Why Go ONE

Customers carry habitual patterns which every business can benefit from. Simply put, buyers are loyal to their brands. They continue to go back to what is easiest and are comfortable with. By creating a loyal and engaged community, social engagement is vital. Likewise, to encourage repeat customers, brands need a reason why they should make the purchase with them. The customer should be rewarded for it.

Nevertheless, having a loyalty program and running it well are two different points. Overall, individuals are a part of several loyalty programs, although many are only active in a select few of them. Why? People like simplicity. As follows, user experience is…



One Immortl
ONE Immortl

Blockchain project on MATIC. Multi-brand loyalty program with an integrated online and blockchain payment system.