intro to my logbook — brand names and money making techniques

One Leaf Extra
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2020

August 17, 2020

Hi My names Fia and this is my logbook One Leaf Extra.

brand logos and names of popular companies including Google, Apple, Nike and Coca Cola

The name is one of those names you come up with at some random moment and you think would be a good brand name if you ever started so you note it down. I don’t see myself starting a company anytime soon so this name will be used for my logbook. The two other names I came up with included the unoriginal Fia’s Logbook, Monkeys ’n’ Moustaches (another one of these random brand names but has an interesting story behind it if you want to hear it one day). However, I decided One Leaf Extra was better suited as it suggested some positivity that I desperately need right now and would probably want in the future.

My plan as of writing this is that this logbook will be a record of all the weird crazes, fads and hobbies I have over the years and may even include some reminiscing of thing I did when I was younger and will serve you as hopefully entertainment and me as a record of my life.

£50 notes laid out

The idea to write a logbook is a new and old idea. It is old in the sense that the thought to start a logbook has been in the back of my head for a while and been nagging me constantly. However, the actual idea of what to logbook about is new. This idea came to me as I was looking dejectedly at my debit card balance and was wondering if there was any way I could earn a bit of extra spending money. Then like any normal person I started googling ‘ways to earn money online’ and came to this link and worked my way down the list. Taking each suggestion into consideration, (spending no more than a few minutes deciding if I would be bothered) I first decided to sign up to Cambly as I had heard from friends that that type of work was relatively easy and straight forward. So I started the signup process, taking a nice photo of myself and describing what my interests were as well as my qualification (or lack thereof as I am no teacher ), I even made a very well written reason to why I wanted to join Cambly talking about some untapped love for the English language and teaching (even though I am sure I will never become a teacher). After all this effort I clicked the next bottom at the bottom of the page just to find the next step was to film a bloody introduction video. Who has that much time? Who can be bothered to put that much effort into something? At this point, I had had enough and quickly closed the window and here we are now at the next viable option on that Forbes list of writing a logbook. To my surprise, I was able to come up with an idea so here I am typing a half-essay on my laptop for the first time in months.

Finally, I’m going to try really hard to update next week so stay tunes.

With all the love I can salvage for the internet,

Fia 💛

P.S. the heart is there because I thought a full stop was too formal but having nothing there looked strange, oh and I couldn’t find a red heart but who want to be normal anyway.

