Reading List — Week 1

Tanvi Kant
One Life Lived
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2017

This is the week 1 of my 1000 day experiment to read and write.

As promised, here is my reading list for week 1 :

Poetry : A Boy’s Will by Robert Frost

Contains 32 Poems

Robert Frost is one of the best poets to start reading if you are new to poetry — I gathered this advice from many articles online and my mother. I remember reading his poem “The Road Not Taken” in my childhood.

The book is in public domain and if you are not hell bent on reading a hard copy, you can get the ebook versions on Project Gutenberg.

Short Stories : Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri, Will you please be Quiet, Please by Carver

Interpreter of Maladies — contains 9 stories

Jhumpa Lahiri is a brilliant writer! Her writing is more than just beautiful. I find that she conveys very complicated thoughts and experiences in simple words. Her stories are about the simple things that define us — the fears for our loved ones, our anger, hopes and everyday interactions with people around us. The imagery is on point, the characters are very real. Some might find her stories incomplete. And yet they leave a mark in your mind.

I have read 5 of the stories from the book, and I will have 4 more to read this week.

Will you please be quiet, please? — contains 21 stories

A find from articles about best short story collections. I picked this up because my friends and people I follow on goodreads seem to have quite enjoyed this book.

Essays : Essays First Series by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Essays First Series has 12 essays, two of which I have read, partially understood and despite that, immensely enjoyed.

Ralph Emerson’s essays are a product of deep contemplation by a spiritual and practical mind. They are not an easy read at all. But I would suggest anyone who is mildly interested in individualism to explore his works. His thoughts resonate a lot with the ancient eastern philosophies of finding spirituality within and he explains where his thoughts are coming for with brilliant examples.

I am glad these are the first essays I picked up for my personal education. I think I will be coming back to these essays multiple times over the coming years.

All of Emerson’s work is in public domain and available on Project Gutenberg. Kindle edition for this book is available on the kindle store for free.

Novel : Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

I started the book in March. Life happened with its busy days, lazy days, sad and happy days and this classic was again left in the middle. I am picking up the classic again for this month. (*Why do I leave things in the middle?!?*)

This book is in public domain as well. Both kindle editions and Project Gutenberg ebook editions are available.

If you like what you read please ❤ it below — you will make me very happy.

