The 100 Day Method for Adulting.

One Little Life
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2019


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I’ll be honest, 100 days seem like a really long time. A part of my brain, is already plotting an exit plan as I write this. But, if you think about it — we’re already 69 days into 2019 and I can bet my future house on how many of you have already fallen off the wagon.

Does 100 days still sound so bad to bring forth a permanent change? I’m in!

What’s next?

Let’s talk about my recent discovery on another small-hack-method, 100 days of flow. Its pretty straight forward with a small-dig at leap in faith.

Set an intention.

Surrender your worries, doubts and problems to what you consider your higher self/universe/god/or sadly, for some of you, your government.

Stay in a high vibration by do things that you enjoy. (Please note: Staying intoxicated will not be counted, also you do have to go to work)

Document your journey. (Stay accountable!)

Collect your reward. (Here are the cookies)

Sounds easy? It is. But, in my experience most of us will fall off this wagon around day 40th.

To make sure this system is absolutely full proof I decided to go the extra mile and create a plan around its execution. My plan can be broken down into four very important parts:



One Little Life

Expressing my thoughts in the best way I know. A story-teller by profession, a writer by passion.