One-minute bite size
2 min readMar 24, 2019


You may have heard about deep tech, emerging tech but how about the upcoming term ABCD Technologies?

1. What is ABCD technologies?

The ABCD technologies is a part of emerging tech. It is a set of 4 emerging technologies: (A)rtificial intelligence, (B)lockchain, ©loud and (D)ata (big and small).
— Artificial intelligence with machine learning capabilities allows us to mess with a huge amount of data. The more information ingested to these machines the better answers we get.
— Need more computing power? Being in the cloud can solve that problem. Cloud makes technology accessible to anyone.
— Blockchain is considered as the super girl to hold it all together. In fact, if TCP/IP is considered the First Layer of Internet, Blockchain is the Second Layer of Internet. While the First Layer of Internet allows for instant transfer of information, Blockchain is creating a pathway for “values” to be exchanged.

2. ABCD technologies vs Deep technology

ABCD Tech and Deep Tech are the two tech terms that can make us confused sometimes. So, what are differences?

- ABCD Tech, as we mentioned above, means Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud and Data (big or small). It’s simple and clear, as the name.
— Deep technology on the other hand, is disruptive technologies based on scientific discoveries, engineering, mathematics, physics and medicine. Deep tech also includes, among other things, artificial intelligence, deep learning and machine learning.
Deep tech companies are using the emerging tech, IoT, and other things as the infrastructure to built on tangible scientific discoveries or engineering innovations solve big issues that really affect the world.

3. YellowBlocks is about Blockchain only?

YellowBlocks is the gateway to and from Vietnam and the world for not only blockchain but also ABCD tech. We are also one of the ecosystem builders for emerging technologies.

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About YellowBlocks
Established in 2018, YellowBlocks is the first emerging tech ecosystem connector and consulting firm for Vietnam and the world. We have more than 100 partners and 80 advisors globally, with an extended reach of 100,000+ audience in the tech/ startup space.


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One-minute bite size

We are the trusted business/marketing consulting firm and B2B connector — the gateway to and from Vietnam and the world, in regards to emerging tech ecosystem.