5 Things I Focus on Each Day To Be Happier and More Positive

Kelly Green
One Minute Life Hacks
3 min readJan 5, 2021


Easy techniques to focus your energy and boost your mood

Mydaily journaling practice always consisted of the ‘anything goes’ approach. Write down what I’m thinking, feeling, and believing to get it off my chest and possibly re-read later (to see how many ‘unwanted’ patterns I love to keep repeating).

Most days, when I journaled, I didn’t have a sense of purpose to what I was writing beyond ‘just write.’ I knew that with some focus and adding in some concepts that I’ve used in the past. My daily journaling practice could become a conscious creation machine to be happier and more positive each day.

The original goal was to avoid the ‘blank page syndrome.’ By creating a simple outline, I could focus my energy where it needed to go, and eliminate wasting my time and avoid focusing my attention on negativity. To keep it comfortable and consistent with maintaining, I made sure it was a) fun, b) simple and effective, and c) had a way to capture the best part of the day.

These are the 5 things I focus on each day, with the top 4 first thing in the morning, and I save 5 for the end of the day.

1. Dump my brain with ‘Morning Pages’



Kelly Green
One Minute Life Hacks

💚 Self-awareness is my drug of choice. Sobriety is my superpower. ➡️ Weekly newsletter: https://sendfox.com/intheopposite 🔮