The Perfect Follow Up To One Month Rails

One Month
One Month
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2017

Why should someone who already took One Month Rails take One Month Ruby?

Well, for one, you know very little about Ruby so far. Sure, we did some basic stuff like if… then. And we created a few variables. But Ruby is a wonderful language, and your ability to get stuff done in Rails is only like 20% of what it could be. There’s so much more still that you could do that you don’t even know about!

Have you wanted to expand the functionality of your Rails app? Take the Ruby course. If you want to be able to get a job as a developer, you HAVE to get a better understanding of Ruby.

When I was first learning how to code, I built my first Rails app and then I hunkered down and learned as much Ruby as possible.

I went through Codecademy’s Ruby tutorial. I went through other resources like Ruby Koans and Ruby Warrior. My favorite were two books: one called Practical Object Oriented Design with Ruby by Sandi Metz and one called Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby.

That was when I first fell in love with Ruby. It’s an incredible language. It’s really powerful, so much fun to use, and it’s got an amazing community.

If you enjoyed One Month Rails, you really should take One Month Ruby.

For years Rails students have been asking me to create a Ruby course because they feel like they wanted a deeper understanding of the language that Rails is based on. So that’s what I’ve done.

Why else should Rails developers learn Ruby? Well, obviously Rails is built in Ruby. If you took Rails, then you can do it. But, if you want to understand it, you had better learn Ruby.

That’s probably the biggest most obvious reason.

There are things you can do in Rails that you can only do if you know Ruby. For example, writing web scrapers and interacting with APIs. All of that is outside the bounds of what Rails is meant to cover, so you’ll have to know it if you want to do anything more advanced. If you want to automate stuff. If you want to be a better coder. This is the next step.



One Month
One Month

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