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Notes from A Seasoned Woman

Kay Bolden
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3 min readJun 3, 2019


I am living on the razor’s edge between success and failure, adulation and humiliation — between justifying my existence and revealing my unworthiness to be alive. — Steve Strossel

Me, too. I feel like I’ve been walking the same wire for months now. A constant battle between logic and instinct, between taking risks and sitting safely on my couch. Sometimes I’m drowning in excitement about planning my Gap Year at 60 — and sometimes I’m just drowning.

Then Friday morning something happened — something so small that I almost didn’t notice it — to reset my internal compass.

I pulled up to the bank, and wonder of wonders, there was a parking spot right in front. I zipped my car in and hopped myself out, gleeful that the Parking Gods had finally forgiven me. Then a rogue thought popped into my head … you’re parked awfully close to that driveway, don’t you think?

I paused. Debated. I’d only be in the bank 10 minutes, tops. Damn it! I jumped back in the car and found another spot two blocks away, and walked all the way back.

As I reached the bank, a Fed Ex truck rumbled up the street and braked to turn into the driveway.

An SUV coming up behind slammed into the truck.

The truck lurched wildly and drifted to a stop … right in the spot where my car would have been.

A last-minute decision, based on nothing but a feeling, that turned out to be exactly right.

A few weeks ago I started taking sailing lessons (because I’m having this recurring hallucination that I want to solo sail in the Caribbean), and this is what my instructor yells when I’m struggling to remember the 9,000 things I have to do —

Stop thinking! Feel.

Why do I keep forgetting this? To trust how I feel. It’s proven more far reliable than what I think I know.

I’m listening to my impulses this week. Hope you’re doing the same :-).

Cool stuff I read recently:

James Finn rounds up love, activism and joy in If It’s June, It Must Be Pride!

A simple touch may be all we need. Megan Minutillo’s Color of Dignity

GE McKerrihan’s soul is thinking and dreaming, and he’s letting us watch in A Soul Cannot Think Without a Picture.

Thank you for following A Seasoned Woman! Find me on Twitter too.

And until next time … laissez les bon temps rouler.




Kay Bolden

Author of Breakfast with Alligators: Tales of Traveling After 50, available now on Amazon | Tweet @KayBolden | Contact: