Is Comparisonitis Stopping You From Writing?

If so, you are not alone. And there is a way to move past it.

Charlotte Allison, M.A.
One Page at a Time


You cannot compare your path to anybody else’s path. Your path is unique to you. Image on Pixabay.

Comparisonitis: Measuring yourself against other writers, with you always coming out on the losing end. (personal definition)

When you compare yourself to other writers it can stop you from writing altogether.

When you measure your ideas or written articles to those of other writers you will always find ways that yours comes up short.

Comparisonitis is a common malady not only among writers, but all other artists as well.

The bottom line is that comparisonitis can stop you dead in your tracks. It can stop you from creating altogether. Because the mind-set is: What’s the use? My writing will never be as good as the other writers.

Perfectionism Lends Comparisonitis a Hand

Comparisonitis and perfectionism are best friends. They go hand and hand. Because perfectionism stems from feelings of low self-worth.

This is one of the reasons you compare yourself in the first place. Because you have feelings of low self-worth, low self-esteem, and feelings of inadequacy.



Charlotte Allison, M.A.
One Page at a Time

Master of Arts degree in spiritual psychology. Writing is a tool for healing. When you heal your self, you help to heal the planet as well.