NewsBreak Can Be the Bread & Butter of Your Writing World

And can give new writers a boost of confidence that they can earn money for their writing.

Charlotte Allison, M.A.
One Page at a Time


NewsBreak can be the bread & butter that allows you to pursue other creative writing ventures. Image by lou_zeni on Pixabay.

NewsBreak is the least creative of all the platforms that I’m aware of in the online writing world.

But…It Pays!

Just like commercials are the bread & butter of the acting world; so is NewsBreak the bread & butter of the writing world.

Not the Real McCoy…But it Does the Trick

Commercials are sort of acting; but not really acting. But … it pays!

Commercial acting is how many in the acting biz earn $$$. In fact, it is the bread & butter of the industry according to SAG (Screen Actors Guild).

Most actors would rather be doing real acting. Acting in movies, TV shows, or theatre, that is.

But a lot of actors do commercials because it pays the bills. It buffs up their bank accounts. It gives them a financial cushion. It gives them more flexibility to do what they want, instead of having to work a survival job they hate.

It’s still acing. It’s just not the real deal.

Ditto for the Writing World



Charlotte Allison, M.A.
One Page at a Time

Master of Arts degree in spiritual psychology. Writing is a tool for healing. When you heal your self, you help to heal the planet as well.